
蕴含这个词的的理解对我相对比较困难一点。或许是因为比较陌生。按照我的理解, 蕴含是数学中充分必要条件的另一种说法。 例如:在当事件B的发生是事件A发生的一个条件时,我们可以说事件A蕴含事件B;也可以说,事件B其实是对事件A发生的一种解释说明 (“因果关系”)

举个简单的例子: 火灭了, 为什么? 是因为水。火灭的原因可以有很多,风吹 或者是 烧干净了, 但是水也可以让火灭。所以火灭了可以做事件A, 水就是事件B了。

但是,在考试过程中如何判断事件A或事件B? 毕竟GMAT考试里不会直接出现Event A and B, 所以,那要如何应用?

个人理解是,可以将题目中的结论直接做为事件A, 然后根据问题,判断事件B。

例题: Football team’s fans expect the team to make the playoffs. If the team makes the playoffs then their fans expect it to win the Super Bowl. A team that is happy just to make the playoffs will upset its fans. The New York Giants’ primary goal is to meet their fans’ expectations.

分析题目, 结论是巨人队的首要目标是实现粉丝的愿望(事件A),but by how? 文中给出的线索是 希望巨人队进入总决赛,如果进入总决赛,那就要拿冠军。直观上看,事件B可以是进总决赛或者是拿冠军。 但是如果进了总决赛,粉丝的期望就会是拿冠军。所以,巨人队也只能是拿个冠军才能满足粉丝的期望。(不得不说,粉丝在这点跟父母一样,总有endless的期望)。

分析到这里, 再看选项:

A) 巨人队是最受欢迎的球队=》文中也没提到,咱也不敢说他们不是,毕竟有这么强势的粉丝,还是不惹微妙。

(B) A team that does not think its fans want it to make the playoffs will certainly not make the playoffs.=》球队进不了决赛,你都进不了决赛,咋满足粉丝的狂热?

(C) The Giants’ primary goal is possible only if they win the Super Bowl.=》关键词,拿冠军,

(D) If a team is happy just to make the play offs one year,it won’t make the play offs next year.=》也许一直看衰球队的粉丝的期望吧。同时,文中也没提及。

(E) The Giants’ fans are not currently upset.=》这个。。。 咱们也不知道啊。文中又没说。但是,如果题目换成,哎呀球队没进决赛,或者哎呀 球队没赢, 然后问refer 题,我觉得可以答案取非后可以做一个备胎。

Which of the following most logically completes the passage?

In 1985, paper mills in the country of Sapinia used a total of 80 million gallons of water daily. By 1990, however, daily usage had decreased to 40 million gallons. As encouraging as they seem, these figures do not show that the water- conservation techniques proposed for paper manufacturers in 1986 were widely adopted, since————

分析题目, 之前用水80,现在用水40。 但是减少不是因为用了省水技术。所以, 造纸厂是怎么省的?

答案(E) in 1990 paper mills in Sapinia produced about half the amount of paper that they produced in 1985, 因为工厂只开了一半的产能。

总结下来,使用这种方法论,简单的套路是,找出结论,然后给自己疑问号,例如 by how? 如果答案能给这个问题一个解释,那这个选项可以保留。

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