A:文章中说的是全球经济的改变。选项强调的是ways 全球经济改变的方式
mark : doubling
B: early 1500s,不是late...
drawback to that strategy, strategy是指shun the use of title,不是说用title的坏处!
E说cable car减轻了损害,代替了损害更严重的tour buses,但是并不能否认cable car是有损害的这件事啊。
结论也并没有说cable car带来更多的伤害,如果这样说的话那E削弱是肯定的,只要否认那个程度就行。所以还是不理解E为啥对
明确goal: to encourage citizens to increase the amount of money they put into savings
削弱证明goal可能无法实现,因为D: citizens都把钱从另一个账户转到special account,并没有增加存款总额
问一个很tricky的问题,文中提到的社会学家和历史学家可以用home economists代替吗
题目里的home economists并没有指那两个社会学家和历史学家。第五行 “ Vanek analyzed 40 years of time use surveys conducted by home economists to argue that ... ”
consolidation ——merging
定位 but availability of uncultivated land reduced the incentive to employ the productivity-enhancing tech nologies. Researchers also measured land-tenure security
A.文章并非说 用了这个技术后能不能达到效果,而是有没有人用这个技术以及哪些人更可能用这个技术
B. most efficient绝对词
C. 鼓励使用,文章没有鼓励使用,而是客观描述那些人会使用
D. 定位第三句话,提出了以前的研究的局限性,并举了T地的例子来说明以前finding没有提到的情况
E. 没有在衡量成功率,还是客观描述哪些人更可能使用这个新技术
B选线省略了proportion,应为a greater proportion than (proportion)in any previous election。
Ron:there's ellipsis here. the understood comparison is a repeated instance of "proportion".
in contexts in which you would repeat a noun, you don't have to include the repeated noun; you may merely imply it. this is known as ellipsis.
for instance:
this year's heavyweight champion is shorter than last year's.
here, the second half of the comparison is clearly "last year's heavyweight champion", but you don't have to say "heavyweight champion" again.
More people hope to live in the countryside than used to 。 代主语people
Don’t give children more money than is necessary. 代主语 money
He often eats more than is good for his health.代主语food
Tom is taller than John is. 代表语tall
I have more money than you do. 代宾语money
Tom runs faster than John runs. 代状语fast
Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings.
A movies—less than those
B movies—fewer than have been
C movies, which is less than those
D movies, a number lower than the people
E movies, fewer than the ones
正确答案B中也省略了主语people。应为 seven people have been killed by the shark —fewer than(the people) have been killed by bee stings
A. 评价试验方法,没有评价试验的方法
B. 讨论对一个没有想到的发现的解释
E. 对最近的一个科学假设提供证据,最后都没得出具体的结论,就算是有提供证据也不是行文的主要目的
为啥E不行呀...?如果有cancer那确实应该比只有bone marrow产生酶的多呀
文中只说癌细胞rapidly dividing 并没有提到bm中产生的酶多。
D:注意重点在 an example of ways... 公司用来解决预测需求困难的方法
定位问题:根据题目IT’s inability to produce direct competitive advantages。注意inability和competitive advantages。题目中问的是IT,而B选项只是resource-based theory中的一部分,并不能说明IT的情况!!!