Compared to those who do not, running three days a week saves an average of 14.1 percent on health-care costs each year in the United States.
Compared to those who do not, running three days a week saves
Compared with nonrunners, people who run three days a week save
Compared to not running, those running for three days a week save
When compared with those who do not, people running three days a week save
When compared to nonrunners, running three days a week saves
as far as the gmat is concerned, "compare to" and "compare with" are EXACTLY the same.
no difference whatsoever. none at all.
(d) and (e) also misuse "when". you cannot use "when" unless you are literally talking about the timeframe in which an event takes place.
according to (d) and (e), these savings are only realized when someone is actually making the comparison. (i.e., only when someone else is looking at the statistics, comparing them, do these people actually save money!)
为什么是people save money,不是应该是这个行为save money吗?还是说C错在Those?
C的比较对象不平行,not running不能和those(那些人)比较。
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