A recently published report indicates that the salaries of teachers continue to lag far behind other college-educated professionals, because they make an average of nearly $8,000 a year less at the start of their careers and almost $24,000 less a year by the time they reach the age of 50.
other college-educated professionals, because they make an average of nearly $8,000 a year less at the start of their careers and almost $24,000 less
other college-educated professionals, by an average of nearly $8,000 a year at the start of their careers, to almost $24,000
what other college-educated professionals are paid--making an average of nearly $8,000 a year less at the start of their careers and almost $24,000 less
those of other college-educated professionals--by an average of nearly $8,000 a year at the start of their careers to almost $24,000 less
those of other college-educated professionals--by an average of nearly $8,000 a year at the start of their careers, and by almost $24,000
A's salaries lag far behind B's salaries by almost $24,000 less. Less与lag behind语义重复
by A to B 表達的是在相同情況一個範圍區間內
ABC 比较对象不对等 排除
lag behind与less重复 排除D
比较对象parallel 只留下DE
lag far behind by sum-A at the start, and by sum-B by the time…平行对称
A lag behind B by 8000 to 24000 less,to语意模糊;less冗余
choice a,b: 比较对象是salaries of teacher和other college-educated professionals。另外choice a中的连词because是错误的,这里不存在“cause-effect”的关系
choice d, less和 lag behind 赘余
what作名词解,判断What从句充当比较对象之一是否正确,我们需要判断what指代的对象有没有把比较的范围扩大化。比如在此题中,由于what professionals are paid的内容可以包括除薪酬以外的其他报酬,所以 what把比较对象扩大了,故不正确。
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E, the salaries of A lag behind those of B, by 8000 a year at the start of A's career and by 24000 a year when A reach 50 years old.
by 介词+名词,表方式travel by bus,或表原因,如I did it by mistake.
有less 就要有than,而且前文有behind 就是少于的意思了,再用less就重复了
less多余,同lag behind混用
if you take it super-literally (which you must), it actually creates the wrong meaning: if i say "x lags behind y by $8000 less", that actually means that x lags behind y by a margin that's $8000 smaller than the original margin.
Since we want to compare the salaries of teachers to the salaries of other college-educated professionals, we need to pick amongst D and E, because those are the only two answer choices that provide a clear and direct comparison the salaries of teachers to the salaries of c-e professionals.
At that point, E is your best remaining answer choice, as the parallel structure of E is preferred over answer choice D.
lag by。。。 落后多少