Studies show that young people with higher-than-average blood pressure and their families have a history of high blood pressure are more likely than others to develop a severe form of the condition.
and their families have a history of highblood pressure
whose families have a history of high blood pressure
and a history of high blood pressure runs in the family
whose families have a history of high blood pressure running in them
with a history of high blood pressure running in their family
A选项:并列连词and需要连接两个相同的成分。本选项and身前是介词短语with higher-than-average blood pressure,身后是句子their families have a history of high blood pressure。两者无法平行。
B选项:Correct. 本选项在语法和逻辑上均是正确的。whose families have a history of high blood pressure是定语从句,其先行词为young people。这里的跳跃修饰是没有问题的。
D选项:分词短语running in them是赘余的。families have a history of high blood pressure已经表示在家庭中有高血压的情况了。
E选项:介词短语with higher-than-average blood pressure和with a history of high blood pressure running in their family之间缺少连词连接,正确方式为:
young people with higher-than-average blood pressure and with a history of high blood pressure running in their family are more likely than others to develop a severe form of the condition.
E选项:介词短语with higher-than-average blood pressure和with a history of high blood pressure running in their family之间缺少连词连接,正确方式为:
young people with higher-than-average blood pressure and with a history of high blood pressure running in their family are more likely than others to develop a severe form of the condition.
there's no way that "...whose families have..." could grammatically refer to the blood pressure.
i'm pretty sure that the gmat restricts the pronoun "whose" to people and maybe animals; for instance, i don't think you're going to see something like "the can whose lid i ripped off" on the test.
by the way, the improper use of the conjunction "and" makes (c) not even a sentence at all.
D,running in them赘余
B correct
D:running in them属于wordy
B:对的,whose family...作定语跳跃修饰young people, 其实也可以看成不是跳跃修饰,是b先修饰a,c再修饰a+b罢了
E选项:介词短语with higher-than-average blood pressure和with a history of high blood pressure running in their family之间缺少连词连接,正确方式为:
young people with higher-than-average blood pressure and with a history of high blood pressure running in their family are more likely than others to develop a severe form of the condition.
平行,wordy 不要被 修辞挡住了主体结构
Young people with...and whose... 两个修饰是平行的,不一定非要with...and with...
c是 the 指代不明 d them指代不准确
AC and前后不平行,前面是介词短语with后面是句子了~~
C的错在于modifiers NEVER start with "and". the whole thing about the history of high blood pressure has to be a modifier, modifying the young people; not only is this not a modifier (because it starts with "and"), but it doesn't even tell us that we're talking about the young people's families. it merely says "the" family.
C: 并列连词and需要连接两个相同的成分。本选项and身前是介词短语with higher-than-average blood pressure,身后是句子their families have a history of high blood pressure。两者无法平行。