The table shows the top 15 universities in a recent international ranking of programs in physics and astronomy. Each university was assigned a score on a 100-point scale in each of several categories, from which a total score on a 100-point scale was computed. For each university, the table displays the total score together with the scores in 3 categories: academic, based on evaluation by academics at other universities; employer, based on evaluation by companies that recruit university graduates; and citations, based on the frequency with which faculty research is cited.


For each of the following statements, select Yes if the statement is true based on the information provided; otherwise, select No.

For each of the United States universities listed, the employer score is less than the total score.
For only one university listed, the employer score and the citations score are both greater than 50.
University of Tokyo is the university for which the magnitude of the difference between the academic score and the total score is greatest.

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