Mansour: We should both plan to change some of our investments from coal companies to less polluting energy companies. And here’s why. Consumers are increasingly demanding nonpolluting energy, and energy companies are increasingly supplying it.
Therese: I'm not sure we should do what you suggest. As demand for nonpolluting energy increases relative to supply, its price will increase, and then the more polluting energy will cost relatively less. Demand for the cheaper, dirtier energy forms will then increase, as will the stock values of the companies that produce them.
Therese responds to Mansour’s proposal by doing which of the following?
Advocating that consumers use less expensive forms of energy
Implying that not all uses of coal for energy are necessarily polluting
Disagreeing with Mansour’s claim that consumers are increasingly demanding nonpolluting energy
Suggesting that leaving their existing energy investments unchanged could be the better course
Providing a reason to doubt Mansour’s assumption that supply of nonpolluting energy will increase in line with demand
M:计划【投资investment 从煤炭公司转向污染较少的能源公司】。因为 消费者 <对无污染能源的需求越来越高↑>,能源公司也越来越多地供应它。
T:我不确定我们应该按照你的建议去做。 随着<对无污染能源的需求相对于供应的增加↑>,其价格将上涨,然后污染程度较高的能源成本相对较低。 对更便宜、更脏的能源形式的需求将会增加,生产它们的公司的股票价值也会增加。
说明 得出选项D的结论:建议【保持 现有能源投资investment 不变】更好
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