Under the agricultural policies of Country R, farmers can sell any grain not sold on the open market to a grain board at guaranteed prices. It seems inevitable that, in order to curb the resultant escalating overproduction, the grain board will in just a few years have to impose quotas on grain production, limiting farmers to a certain flat percentage of the grain acreage they cultivated previously.
Suppose an individual farmer in Country R wishes to minimize the impact on profits of the grain quota whose eventual imposition is being predicted. If the farmer could do any of the following and wants to select the most effective course of action, which should the farmer do now?
Select in advance currently less profitable grain fields and retire them if the quota takes effect.
Seek long-term contracts to sell grain at a fixed price.
Replace obsolete tractors with more efficient new ones.
Put marginal land under cultivation and grow grain on it.
Agree with other farmers on voluntary cutbacks in grain production.
impose quotas on grain production, limiting farmers to a certain flat percentage of the grain acreage they cultivated previously.
farme希望minimize最小化 (政策) 对 profits of the grain quota 的影响(前文:影响指 限制↓耕种的粮食面积 limiting farmers to a certain flat percentage of the grain acreage they cultivated previously.)
Put marginal land under cultivation and grow grain on it.
quota 没理解导致错误,这里quota说的是政策实施时种多少地,以后就让你卖多少,按照你种地占总种地的百分比,
limiting farmers to a certain flat percentage of the grain acreage they cultivated previously.
they cultivated previously!!!!
quota 没理解导致错误 是百分比 比例的意思
政府说为了不让农民死命种,说出个Quota 来让农民在自己土地上种植grain 的比例定死, 就是,政策出来前你种的grain 占农地的多少percentage, ,你之后也得是这个percentage, 所以那不就是赶紧多种吗......加大percentage
第二次做对了 完全是第一次被几行吓到了 其实不难 静心,集中注意力 读懂
加大总量 就不怕比例定量啦
- - 明白了...... 政府说为了不让农民死命种,说出个Quota 来让农民在自己土地上种植grain 的比例定死, 就是,政策出来前你种的grain 占农地的多少percentage, ,你之后也得是这个percentage, 所以那不就是赶紧多种吗......加大percentage
limiting farmers to a certain flat percentage of the grain acreage they cultivated previously
说明设定的quota与曾经的grain acreage是呈正相关的,所以应该put marginal land
理解文段重点: limiting farmers to a certain flat percentage of the grain acreage they cultivated previously
The quota will be calculated based on pre-existing grain acreage (presumably averaged over a few years). Therefore, it would make the most sense for the farmer to boost grain acreage for the next few years, even if some of the acreage increase involves using land not optimal for grain production.
A选项是放弃一部分利润少的土地。而文章的政策是 根据之前的种植面积设定quota 放弃利润少的土地就意味着放弃了种植面积,quto下降利润下降,❌
真是没注意到这句关键:limiting farmers to a certain flat percentage of the grain acreage they cultivated PREVIOUSLY.