Several ancient Greek texts provide accounts of people being poisoned by honey that texts suggest was made from the nectar of rhododendron or oleander plants. Honey made from such nectar can cause the effects the texts describe, but only if eaten fresh, since the honey loses its toxicity within a few weeks of being made. In Greece, rhododendrons and oleander bloom only in springtime, when they are the predominant sources of nectar.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly support the accounts of Greek texts?
There are no plants that Greece in ancient times that produce more nectar than rhododendrons or oleanders does.
In areas where neither rhododendrons nor oleanders grow, honey is never poisonous.
A beebive's honeycomb cannot have some sections that contain toxic honey and other sections that contain nontoxic honey.
The incidents of honey poisoning that are related in the ancient texts occurred in the springtime or in the early summer.
Whether the honey in a beehive is toxic depends solely on which plants were the source of that was used to make the honey.
原文的核心意思:(植物R & O)与(蜂蜜有毒性)之间的关系被(时效性)调节了 -- 时间短时蜂蜜有毒,时间长时蜂蜜无毒。题目让支持这个有条件的因果逻辑,那就让(时效性)成立呗。(植物R & O)导致(蜂蜜有毒)这个已经被原文说明了,只有(时效性)还没被说明。D选项说春季夏初才会有毒蜜,完美解释了时效性 (a few weeks)。B选项变相在说(植物R & O)导致(蜂蜜有毒),这个原文已经给了,且暗示了不是重点(but only if...)。
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