Doctors hope that one day the body's master cells, called stem cells, can be directed to grow in organs or tissues appropriate for transplant, use them to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and may study them to gain insight into basic human biology.
transplant, use them to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and may study them
transplant, using them to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and studied
transplant, used to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and studied
a transplant, use them for testing drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and for studying
a transplant, used to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and may study them
本题十分简单,考查了基本的平行原则。意思是:科学家希望能利用干细胞做些什么,那干细胞们就得 被 科学家研究、利用、检测。因此,direct、use、study三者应该保持语法的平行,答案为(C)。
ABD排除:通读句意,主语stem cells 后面应该接can be directed to do sth;不需要额外加them变成stems cells can be directed them(stem cells) to do sth;
E:意识到direct,use study,三者才是平行关系,而E平行关系不完全,因此选C
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