Heirloom tomatoes, grown from seeds saved from the previous year, only look less appetizing than their round and red supermarket cousins, often green and striped, or have plenty of bumps and bruises, but are more flavorful.
cousins, often green and striped, or have plenty of bumps and bruises, but are
cousins, often green and striped, or with plenty of bumps and bruises, although
cousins, often green and striped, or they have plenty of bumps and bruises, although they are
cousins; they are often green and striped, or with plenty of bumps and bruises, although
cousins; they are often green and striped, or have plenty of bumps and bruises, but they are
本题主要依靠一些语法变化来考查我们关于“平行”的理解。整个题目的意思是:Heirloom tomatoes这种西红柿看起来不如在超市里面它的那些兄弟,它经常是绿色的,而且是有条纹的,或者说会有一些肿块,但是,它更加美味。
选项A:本选项有两处错误。第一,often green and striped是两个形容词,放在此处由于定语的就近修饰原则,其必然修饰their round and red supermarket cousins。在逻辑上,“绿色的并且有条纹的”是Heirloom tomatoes。第二,本选项中or连接的两个句子是Heirloom tomatoes only look less appetizing than their round and red supermarket cousins和Heirloom tomatoes have plenty of bumps and bruises。但在逻辑上,这两句话之间没有“两者择一”的关系。
选项B:green and striped错误同选项(A);另外,or是一个连词,需要连接两个句子(参考功能平行)。
选项D:另外,or是一个连词,需要连接两个句子(参考功能平行)。(也可以认为,or的身前没有与with plenty of bumps and bruises平行的对象)
选项E:Correct. 本选项在语法和逻辑上均是正确的。
选项D:另外,or是一个连词,需要连接两个句子(参考功能平行)。(也可以认为,or的身前没有与with plenty of bumps and bruises平行的对象)
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