Deliberately imitating the technique of Louis Armstrong, jazz singer Billie Holiday's approach to singing was to use her voice like an instrument, in that she ranged freely over the beat, flattened out the melodic contours of tunes, and, in effect, recomposed songs to suit her range, style, and artistic sensibilities.
Billie Holiday's approach to singing was to use hervoice like an instrument, in that she ranged freely over the beat, flattened
Billie Holiday's approach to singing was to use her voice in a similar way to how other musicians play instruments, in ranging freely over the beat, flattening
Billie Holiday approached singing by using her voice like other musicians played instruments, ranging freely over the beat, flattening
Billie Holiday used her voice in the same way that other musicians use their instruments, in that she ranged freely over the beat, flattening
Billie Holiday approached singing by using her voice like other musicians instruments, ranging freely over the beat, flattening
选项A:Deliberately imitating the technique of Louis Armstrong是分词短语,在题目做伴随状语。伴随状语要求其主语必须和其主句主语相同,本选项中即,approach。在逻辑上,“模仿某一个人的技术的”应该是另外一个人,而不能是“这个人的方法”。
选项B:伴随状语的逻辑主语错误同选项(A)。另外,划线部分身后还出现了and, in effect, recomposed songs to suit her range, style, and artistic sensibilities(重新创作歌曲),其在语意上是和she ranged freely over the beat(在节奏上自由的跳动)并列的。因此,两者应保持语法上的平行,即,不能用ranging freely over the beat,只能用she ranged freely over the beat。
选项D:Correct. 本选项在语法和逻辑上均是正确的。请注意,本选项中的in that没有问题,和because同意。
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