One of the primary distinctions between our intelligence and that of other primates may lie not so much in any specific skill as in our ability to extend knowledge gained in one context to new and different ones.
between our intelligence and that of other primates may lie not so much in any specific skill as
between our intelligence and that of other primates may lie not in any specific skill but
not so much…as…的意思是“不仅仅是…也是…”,而not…but…的意思是“不是…而是…”。在本题的语境下,我们和其它灵长类动物确实在specific skill和extend knowledge方面均有区别,所以应该用not so much…as…,答案为(A)。
between…and…是习惯用语,而不是between…with;在特殊技术中(in any specific skill)和在我们增加知识的能力中(in our ability to extend knowledge)不存在转折关系,应该用not so much…as…而不是not so much…but…。
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