According to a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, companies in the United States are providing job training and general education for nearly eight million people, about equivalent to the enrollment of the nation's four-year colleges and universities.
equivalent to the enrollment of
the equivalent of those enrolled in
equal to those who are enrolled in
as many as the enrollment of
as many as are enrolled in
一点个人看法,句意想说的,重点不在于<得到在职培训的800万人刚好等于(equal)大学入学的人数>,而是想要说 <得到在职培训的人 和 上大学的人 一样多>,
所以 as many as 要优于所有用 equal 的表达。
在这道题目中 as many as , 是把people和 后面的 people who are enrolled in 做比较, 但是为什么可以省略这么多成分