Homeostasis, an animal's maintenance of certain internal variables within an acceptable range, particularly in extreme physical environments, has long interested biologists. The desert rat and the camel in the most water-deprived environments, and marine vertebrates in an all-water environment, encounter the same regulatory problem:maintaining adequate Internal fluid balance.

For desert rats and camels, the problem is conservation of water in an environment where standing water is nonexistent, temperature is high, and humidity is low. Despite these handicaps, desert rats are able to maintain the osmotic pressure of their blood, as well as their total body water content, at approximately the same levels as other rats. one countermeasure is behavioral:these rats stay in burrows during 'the hot part of the day, thus avoiding loss of fluid through panting or sweating, which are regulatory mechanisms for maintaining internal body temperature by evaporative cooling. Also, desert rats' kidneys can excrete a urine having twice as high a salt content as sea water.

Camels, on the other hand, rely more on simple endurance. They cannot store water, and their reliance on an entirely unexceptional kidney results in a rate of water loss through renal function significantly higher than that of desert rats. As a result, camels must tolerate losses In Body water of up to thirty percent of their body weight. Nevertheless, camels do rely on a special mechanism to keep water loss within a tolerable range:by sweating and panting only when their body temperature exceeds that which would kill a human, they conserve internal water.

Marine vertebrates experience difficulty with their water balance because though there is no shortage of seawater to drink, they must drink a lot of it to maintain their internal fluid balance. But the excess salts from the seawater must be discharged somehow, and the kidneys of most marine vertebrates are unable to excrete a urine in which the salts are more concentrated than in seawater. Most of these animals have special salt-secreting organs outside the kidney that enable them to eliminate excess salt.

It can be inferred from the passage that some mechanisms that regulate internal body temperature, like sweating and panting, can lead to which of the following?

A rise in the external body temperature

A drop in the body's internal fluid level

A decrease i n the osmotic pressure of the blood

A decrease in the amount of renal water loss

A decrease in the urine's salt content



正确答案是 B。由题干中的“It can be inferred from the passage”可以知道,这题要求回答者根据原文推断出正确答案。文章第二段解释了沙漠老鼠和骆驼如何在水缺乏的环境中维持一定的内部变量:沙漠老鼠有行为上的应对措施,如留在洞穴中避免通过蒸发冷却来维持体温的流汗或呼吸;而骆驼则更依赖着简单的耐力,它无法存储水,但它使用一种特殊的机制来限制水分损失,即只有当其体温超过会杀死人类的温度时才会才开始出汗和呼吸。因此,可以推断,呼吸和流汗这些调节体温的机制会导致体内液体水平的下降,故B为正确答案。


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