The tulu, a popular ornamental plant, does not reproduce naturally, and is only bred and sold by specialized horticultural companies. Unfortunately, the tulu is easily devastated by a contagious fungal rot. The government ministry plans to reassure worried gardeners by requiring all tulu plants to be tested for fungal rot before being sold. However, infected plants less than 30 weeks old have generally not built up enough fungal rot in their systems to be detected reliably. And many tulu plants are sold before they are 24 weeks old.
Which of the following, if performed by the government ministry, could logically be expected to overcome the problem with their plan to test for the fungal rot?
Releasing a general announcement that tulu plants less than 30 weeks old cannot be effectively tested for fungal rot
Requiring all tulu plants less than 30 weeks old to be labeled as such
Researching possible ways to test tulu plants less than 24 weeks old for fungal rot
Ensuring that tulu plants not be sold before they are 30 weeks old
Quarantining all tulu plants from horticultural companies at which any case of fungal rot has been detected until those tulu plants can be tested for fungal rot
A选项: 通告称年龄在30周以下的tulu无法有效检测真菌。这只会让园艺师更加恐慌,起不到任何解决问题的作用。
C选项: 找到可以有效检测年龄在24周以下的tulu的办法。本选项错误同(B)。
D选项: Correct. 保证tulu在30周以前不被卖出。因为30周以下的tulu无法有效检测真菌,但30周以上的可以,所以只需要保证所有的tulu都是在30周以上卖出的,政府的计划就可以行之有效。这个方案更容易实施。
分析的非常好!解决了我的困惑。那些被检测出真菌的tulu才能送去进一步进行霉菌检测,可是原文没有说采取初步检测的是哪一个时间段的tulu。如果是20天左右的tulu, 因为难以检测的缘故,只有一部分可以被检测出真菌,剩下的tulu没有被检测出不代表没有真菌,这样的如果不送去隔离而被售出,就会有麻烦。如果是30天以后的tulu,因为容易检测,所以很大概率凡是被检测出真菌的都会被送去做进一步霉菌测试,这样可以最大程度上避免出售的tulu有真菌。可是问题在于,我们不知道,公司隔离的是生长期多久的tulu, 可以是20天的,可以是30天的,也可以混合都有。
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