Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
The figures in portraits by the Spanish painter El Greco (1541–1614) are systematically elongated. In El Greco's time, the intentional distortion of human figures was unprecedented in European painting. Consequently, some critics have suggested that El Greco had an astigmatism, a type of visual impairment,that resulted in people appearing to him in the distorted way that is characteristic of his paintings. However, this suggestion cannot be the explanation, because _____ .
several twentieth-century artists have consciously adopted from El Greco's paintings the systematic elongation of the human form
some people do have elongated bodies somewhat like those depicted in El Greco's portraits
if El Greco had an astigmatism, then, relative to how people looked to him, the elongated figures in his paintings would have appeared to him to be distorted
even if El Greco had an astigmatism, there would have been no correction for it available in the period in which he lived
there were non-European artists, even in El Greco's time, who included in their works human figures that were intentionally distorted
假设一个人高度1m, 那么在painter眼中这个人是2m,于是在他的画中人是2m高; 然后当他看自己的画时,在painter眼中人就变成4m,这明显跟painter印象中的“人是2m”这个事实想矛盾,那他就会发现这个问题。这就是C选项所说的elongated figures in his paintings would have appeared to him to be distorted
假设一个人高度1m, 那么在painter眼中这个人是2m,于是在他的画中人是2m高; 然后当按照2m高印象去画的时候,实际上画的高度是1m,也就是画没有延长。实际上反驳了因果联系。
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