Psychologist: In a study, researchers gave 100 volunteers a psychological questionnaire designed to measure their self-esteem. The researchers then asked each volunteer to rate the strength of his or her own social skills. The volunteers with the highest levels of self-esteem consistently rated themselves as having much better social skills than did the volunteers with moderate levels. This suggests that attaining an exceptionally high level of self-esteem greatly improves one’s social skills.
The psychologist’s argument is most vulnerable to criticism on which of the following grounds?
It fails to adequately address the possibility that many of the volunteers may not have understood what the psychological questionnaire was designed to measure.
It takes for granted that the volunteers with the highest levels of self-esteem had better social skills than did the other volunteers, even before the former volunteers had attained their high levels of self-esteem.
It overlooks the possibility that people with very high levels of self-esteem may tend to have a less accurate perception of the strength of their own social skills than do people with moderate levels of self-esteem.
It relies on evidence from a group of volunteers that is too small to provide any support for any inferences regarding people in general.
It overlooks the possibility that factors other than level of self-esteem may be of much greater importance in determining the strength of one's social skills.
错选了E: 要关注结论,这里说的是自尊和社交能力成正相关,并不是要比较哪个因素对社交能力的影响最大,一定要把结论看明白
相关因果推理 自尊 和 社交 正相关。。。自尊促进社交
A 无关
B 最强自尊的人比其他人都社交强。。无关评估推理。这个最高级文章里没体现
C 自尊心强的人自我评价不准确。。过度自信 可能他们社交根本不强 削弱 CQ1
D 无关推理
E 忽略了除了自尊意外其他更能决定社交能力的因素。。。这没有否定自尊的决定能力,只是差一点而已。。。这个选项阴险
居然错了 选了E 以为是 第三独立因素 这个比较原来的了 独立因素应该是单独的 有什么什么事件 使skill更高
E选项:其他因素对社交的影响比自尊对社交的影响更重要 (更重要并不能说明是只有其他因素对社交有影响,也就无法否定自尊与社交存在因果关系)
E是说可能有其它超出self-esteem的因素对social skills影响更大,但不能说明self-esteem影响不大(原结论:提高自尊有助提高社交能力),只有一点点削弱结论。比起C,当然就是C很强烈削弱了。C说高自尊的人自我评价不准确,这点的确很能攻击原结论。至于常识是不是如此不重要,不是说了GMAT是考推理过程么,不考你自己认为的常识。
the prompt of "is most vulnerable to critism" means subdue the could be true answer
evidence: people with high level of self-esteem rate themselves have higher social skill
conclusion:high level of self-esteem improve social skill
the statistic accuracy of the evidence should be questioned
好气,又错了 C E纠结;选了E;
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