By devising an instrument made from a rod, wire, and lead balls, and employing uncommonly precise measurements, in 1797-1798 Henry Cavendish's apparatus enabled him to arrive at an astonishingly accurate figure for the weight of the earth.
By devising an instrument made from a rod, wire, and lead balls, and employing uncommonly precise measurements, in 1797–1798 Henry Cavendish's apparatus enabled him
In 1797–1798, by devising an instrument made from a rod, wire, and lead balls, and employing uncommonly precise measurements, Henry Cavendish's apparatus enabled him
Henry Cavendish devised an instrument made from a rod, wire, and lead balls, and employed uncommonly precise measurements, and in 1797–1798 was able
Having devised an instrument from a rod, wire, and lead balls, and employment of uncommonly precise measurements, Henry Cavendish in 1797–1798 was able
By devising an instrument made from a rod, wire, and lead balls, and employing uncommonly precise measurements, Henry Cavendish was able in 1797–1798
D. This variant seems to suggest, illogically, that Cavendish devised an instrument
from several objects plus employment; using employed instead of employment of
would be one way of correctly pairing his two actions.
C 平行错误,devise和employ 导致 HC 可以去。。 有因果关系 不是单纯的并列
选对了 但差点选了C 平行问题 还有那个was 有问题
A选项:主语是Henry Cavendish's apparatus, 有问题,应该是Henry Cavendish这个人才能执行devising... and employ...的任务;
C选项:三个句子都用and连接,显得笨重,前面两个并列的动作devised和employed可以用and 连接,但是后一个是一个新起的句子,直接就:In 1797-1798开头更好;
D选项:使用employ这个动词,好过用employment of commonly...这个名词;
修正: A和E的差别,错误不在enable 或者able,sth enable sb to do 或者sb is able to do 都是正确的表达;AE的真正差异在于主语不同,by devising 这句主语应该是人,而不是装置,所以A排除
C. Connecting the three parts of the sentence with two occurrences of and is
awkward; the first two parts are best connected by and, but the final portion
expressing what Cavendish achieved would be better expressed, for example, as a
new sentence beginning, In 1797–1798, he employed.