Early administrative decisions in China’s Ming Dynasty eventually caused a drastic fall in tax revenues, a reduction in military preparedness, the collapse of the currency system, and failed to make sufficient investment in vital transportation infrastructure.
the collapse of the currency system, and failed
the collapse of the currency system, and failing
and the collapse of the currency system, also failed
the collapse of the currency system, as well as failing
and the collapse of the currency system, as well as a failure
在各大外网论坛上找到了不错的解释,关于A,结构上来说 [noun], [noun], and [noun], and [verb],首先结构就不对,其次fail不能和cause并列,因为decision不能make investment ;
关于C,其实也是 [noun], [noun], and [noun], and [verb]这个结构,不过also不能做connector
疑问一:also是不是不能做conjunction,也就是parallelism maker,只是一个副词的用法,and also这个用法成立,不然就是重复使用连词了?
疑问二:关于E,在这里我在论坛上看到,as well as 也是不能做parallelism maker,有没有哪位大神可以给我推荐一篇好好介绍conjunction的帖子啊,跪求!
a,b,and c,as well as d
有4个元素,a drastic fall in tax revenues,a reduction in military preparedness,the collapse of the currency system 和 to make sufficient investment in vital transportation infrastructure ,可见要不就是4个名词平行,要不就是前面3个名词平行,后面那个动词跟前面caused平行,以上只有E是4个名词平行
单纯的noun 是不能和 verbing 平行的
caused a drastic fall in x, y, z as well as a failure in/to do sth
caused x, y, z as well as j
caused 后面的两个平行结构:a drastic fall in A, B and C; a failure ...
s+v+o+c(税,军队,and钱,as well as基建都出问题了)
A, B, and C, as well as D也是正确的
那这个题也没办法啊...前面四个选项decision fail逻辑完全没道理,E的形式虽然怪怪的,但也只能选这个了
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a failure to make ... 和 a drastic fall in ...平行;the collapse of the currency system是平行结构中的最后一个,因而需使用and连接。
and 和 as well as一同出现表并列,这也可以吗? 那as well as 算什么结构?
这两个是可以同时出现的。只是说在一些必须用and的地方是不能用as well as替代。比如 both and。 and与as well as也是有区别的。虽然都表示并列,但是and的并列级别要高。比如此题 前面三个表示同一级别的并列, failure是次于前面三个的。
这个题还可以从其他地方判断。如果一开始读题不知道failed和caused并列还是要和前面三个名词并列,可以看选项。如果要与caused并列,failed前必须有and,即A,但是这也就意味着前面三个是互相并列的,即A,B,and C,C前面必须有and,因此说明不是caused并列,再去看其他选项
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