Recent breakthroughs in technology have made it possible that high-definition digital video cameras are able to capture material with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to 35-millimeter film and to project it digitally in theaters with no resulting loss of image quality.
it possible that high-definition digital video cameras are able to capture material with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to
it possible to have high-definition digital video cameras that can capture material at a degree of fidelity almost like that with
it possible for high-definition digital video cameras to capture material with a degree of fidelity nearly comparable to that of
possible high-definition digital video cameras that can capture material at a degree of fidelity almost like
possible high-definition digital video cameras able to capture material with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to that with
C that 指代fidelity
五句话是3种不同的意思 A C的意思比较合理
A 比较对象错误
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