Recent research indicates that two popular arthritis drugs are possibly not as safe as they initially believed.
that two popular arthritis drugs are possibly not as safe as they initially believed
that two popular arthritis drugs may not be as safe as they were initially believed to be
two popular arthritis drugs to possibly not be as safe as it was initially believed
the safety of two popular arthritis drugs may not be as great as it was initially believed
the safety of two popular arthritis drugs not to be as great as they were initially believed to be
e.g. the safety of X is not as great as…… vs. X is not as safe as……
the latter of these is definitely better.
Drugs are believed to be------被动语态
possibly 和may 之间无明显差别,应从其他splits突破
1.indicates that,宾从排CDE
药是安全的:the drug is safe;不说 the safety of the drug is great
A they无指代对象
看意思A的they应该指代researchers,因为只有researchers才可以去believe,而找前面没有researchers可以在后面被用来指代,所以 排除A。而B里面的they可以指代drugs因为是they were initially believed to be是被相信,所以是可以的。所以选B不选A。meaning is king.
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