Britain's economic growth was slower in the mid-1970's and its decline much more rapid in the subsequent recession than the United States.
Britain's economic growth was slower in the mid-1970's and its decline much more rapid in the subsequent recession than the United States.
The economic growth of Britain was slower in the mid-1970's and it declined much more rapidly in the subsequent recession than the United States did.
Britain's economy, which grew more slowly in the mid-1970's, also had declined much more rapidly in the subsequent recession than the United States did.
The economy of Britain grew more slowly in the mid-1970's and declined much more rapidly in the subsequent recession than did the economy of the United States.
Britain's economy grew more slowly in the mid-1970's and its decline was much more rapid during the subsequent recession than the economy of the United States.
B 为啥不对呢? 是因为slower没有比较对象吗?
我觉得后面It 是前面growth 的重复, 所以growth和 国家比不对吧
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