The greatest road system built in the Americas prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus was the Incan highway, which, over 2,500 miles long and extending from northern Ecuador through Peru to southern Chile.
Columbus was the Incan highway, which, over 2,500 miles long and extending
Columbus was the Incan highway, over 2,500 miles in length, and extended
Columbus, the Incan highway, which was over 2,500 miles in length and extended
Columbus, the Incan highway, being over 2,500 miles in length, was extended
Columbus, the Incan highway was over 2,500 miles long, extending
句的谓语动词是“was extended” —— 被动语态,但逻辑上应该是高速公路主动从北到南延伸,而不是被动延伸
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