Sentence Correction

句子改错(Sentence Correction)在GMAT考试的语文(verbal)部分占据的比重大概为40%(16/41),题目包含一个部分或全部划线的句子和五个选项,形如: 

It can hardly be said that educators who have not anticipated the impact of the internet finance are at fault: John Naisbitt, one of the most prominent futurists, did not even mention the internet finance in his most famous book—Megatrends, published in 1982.

(A) It can hardly be said that educators who have not anticipated the impact of the internet finance are at fault
(B) The fact that educators who did not anticipate the impact of the internet finance are at fault cannot be said
(C) It can hardly be said that it is the fault of educators who did not anticipate the impact of the internet finance
(D) It cannot be said that educators who did not anticipate the impact of the internet finance are at fault
(E) That educators, who did not anticipate the impact of the internet finance, are at fault can hardly be said 


如果更为仔细地观察这道例题,你一定可以发现五个选项的变化并不大,至少那些真正表达实际意思的词汇几乎没有变化,变化的大都是这些词汇之间的“组合方式”。由于众多词汇之间的组合方式以及搭配关系通常被定义为语法,所以很多考生认为这种题型是在考查英语基础语法知识。 “语法”这两个字通常意味着记忆,通过夜以继日反复复习,背诵下数以百记甚至千记的语法知识点,最终集语法之大成。从这个层面上看,句子改错这种题型侧重考察的是记忆力。


The GMAT exam tests higher order reasoning and preparing for the exam remains an exercise in developing and exercising those skills.

既然设计GMAT考试的意图是测试考生的推理能力(Reasoning),那么设计“句子改错”这种题型的目的自然也是测试考生的推理能力而不是记忆力。 因此,纵然有时候会涉及到一些英语语法知识,但是句子改错根本不是考查语法知识点的。它要求考生有能力从不同选项所呈现的语法结构中正确体会出选项间的语意差异,进而利用自己的文本推理能力,选择出在推理上表意正确的一项。换句话说,句子改错的主要目的不是让我们找出各个选项中出现的语法错误或者判断哪个选项在语法上出现了不简洁等等,而是利用英语的语法结构来测试位于这些结构背后的“推理”问题。

作者:毕出 更新时间:2016-06-10 12:35

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