选项1. The digging of Chicago’s subway tunnels in the early 1900s, (one of the proudest of family legends), is remembered almost as an epic among America’s 12,000 Bosnian Muslims.
选项2. The digging in the early 1900s of Chicago’s subway tunnels, (one of the proudest of family legends), is almost an epic among America’s 12,000 Bosnian Muslims
选项4 remember sth as sth简单换了个位置
选项4:America’s 12,000 Bosnian Muslims remember [almost as an epic] the digging of Chicago’s subway tunnels in the early 1900s, (one of the proudest of family legends).
选项5:One of the proudest of family legends, (remembered almost as an epic among America’s 12,000 Bosnian Muslims), is the digging of Chicago’s subway tunnels in the early 1900s.
选项1&2结构上何其相似,局部某些成分的顺序调动了并不构成主要语法错误,remembered 是否被省略也不是核心错误。
1,2,4句删除括号里的成分之后,会发现被记住的都是digging,所以底下很多解释说the digging is remembered almost as an epic这样不对。我认为这也不是核心错误,digging, legend, epic本身就是连环指代。epic有壮举的意思啊,可以指digging itself。
官方说的modifier要尽量靠近修饰的词,是指one of the proudest of family legends如果作为digging的同位语,应该尽可能靠近digging。然而the digging of Chicago’s subway tunnels in the early 1900s本身就是一个不太好分割的名词性结构,one of the proudest of family legends插到哪里都不合适,放在末尾又有修饰subway tunnels的嫌疑。换成选项5的表达才能彻底避免这种主词和modifier被过长分割的状况出现。
现在我们来看选项5, (remembered almost as an epic among America’s 12,000 Bosnian Muslims) 作为 family legends的补足语,就紧随其后了。完美!One of the proudest of sth is sth,也是一个无歧义的结构。
考察;distinguish a from b✅
distinguish a and b ❌
近义词辨析不会是考点,much less,far less更倾向于做副词,两者在这里都可以用
因(前提):1.几个人声称看见山狮 并且 2.没有可能故意撒谎
果(结论):therefore, 当地的管理员应该赶紧去证实狮子的存在(默认了山狮是存在的)
评估方向CQ2: 干扰因素
因1+ 因2 + 因3(C选项): 因为没有人陪同,看见的有可能并不是山狮 推不出结论(有山狮的存在)
这就是果因吧 前提是看到狮子 结论是狮子存在 如果结论是 address lion's presence (解决狮子存在的问题) 那就变成论证 因:看到狮子 果:应不应该去处理 而不是去证明狮子存不存在
跟样本代表性毫无关系吧。 去SK这个超市买东西的人是因为他经常买的东西在SK更加便宜,那这个人如果转而去FB,那肯定就不省钱了啊
题干说 “这些人更看重候选人出版物对其领域的影响,而不是看出版物的数量”。其实题目从头到尾谈论的都是published——出版后的作品,等同于默认了作品出版发表后才能对相应领域产生贡献(想象一下你写了再多牛逼的论文但是没有发表,如何对领域产生影响)。 所以B项更接近support而不是against
感觉b更像是 假设 是前提 ,就是文章默认的信息 有些题目会出现这种选项,挺烦人的
为什么是announce to do感觉announce对try的约束力很弱,announce了不代表一定能成
most strongly supports [the argument against Moviemania's claim]
Moviemanis's claim --> change of oil hurts popcorn sales
The argument against M's claim --> the claim is false --> change of oil does not hurt popcorn sales
=> strengthen change of oil does not hurt popcorn sales.
Choice A: Popcorn increase more than 5%, Refreshments increase less than 5% --> Popcorn is doing better than before comparing to other things
A为什么和题目无关,如果有非公立学校yeneng 提供免费教学,那么学生就不一定会选择入学公立学校,自然公立学校就不会多招聘老师,还是一样难呀
文中只能推出 some segments provide P 现在有Q&R 那么这些部分就没有P&R 也就是有独立的P的存在--> b
觉得最难的是C选项,需要绕一下。原文是 The first vertebrates, which were soV- bodied, would have been easy prey for numerous invertebrate carnivores, especially if these early vertebrates were sedentary suspension feeders.
第一种观点认为 first vertebrates were sedentary suspension feeders. 就是 vertebrates 吃 suspension。但是 文章第二个结论不同意这个观点,结尾也说了 C是predator,所以C是错误的。
organized labor就是union
关于要不要加in的解释:原文逻辑是 The Rorschach test 和 other procedures不同(两种属于一个范畴)此外,The Rorschach test 也 和 weeks of ordinary interviews 不同,所以有两个in
如果没有in,变成The Rorschach test 和 其他的procedures or weeks of ordinary interviews(把procedures 和 weeks of interviews 看成同一类事物),类别上没有加上in更合理
forest covered and accommodated...所以A选项都是现在分词,没有谓语动词,要排除!!
a third of them可以作同位语补充说明大象>with a third of them 介词短语/独立主格 作为伴随和前句之间有修饰关系
题目问的是zoologists的观点【Zoologists had assumed】,而非作者观点,所以E正确!
A错误原因:fast period: O:and then fast for 5 to 11 days after birth. P:fast throughout the entire lactation period, which lasts from 4 to 50 days depending on the species. 因此fast period长,A错误
A选项不一定对(5-11 VS 4-50);但E选项是一定对的
2.like+n. as+句子
不要脑补过度==poverty line在题目中没有出现过
所以削弱没有financial incentive的最好选项就是C-->长期来看是有财务上的好处的
A.advocate 这件事一点毛病没有,问题出在后面so as to reform them,他的主语是prisoners,语意变成了prisoners reform them. 应该改成 so as to be reformed
B选项advocate prisoners错误
D选项advocate for the means错误
E选项means for错误
mn=12其实m和n的取值共有6种情况;lowest terms也有很多种形式,因此条件1/2分开来都不充分