A proposed change to federal income tax laws would eliminate deductions from taxable income for donations a taxpayer has made to charitable and educational institutions. If this change were adopted, wealthy individuals would no longer be permitted such deductions. Therefore, many charitable and educational institutions would have to reduce services, and some would have to close their doors.
The argument above assumes which of the following?
Without the incentives offered by federal income tax laws, at least some wealthy individuals would not donate as much money to charitable and educational institutions as they otherwise would have.
Money contributed by individuals who make their donations because of provisions in the federal tax laws provides the only source of funding for many charitable and educational institutions.
The primary reason for not adopting the proposed change in the federal income tax laws cited above is to protect wealthy individuals from having to pay higher taxes.
Wealthy individuals who donate money to charitable and educational institutions are the only individuals who donate money to such institutions.
Income tax laws should be changed to make donations to charitable and educational institutions the only permissible deductions from taxable income.
怎么没有说呢,有一个限定条件是说,only donate because of the provisions in the law…就是说捐只是因为可以避税
怎么没有说呢,有一个限定条件是说,only donate because of the provisions in the law…就是说捐只是因为可以避税
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B. 错在only,也可能只是majority
D是不是把它当成加强题来做了阿。。。假设题是得到结论之前需要一个跳板 把逻辑补充完整 为什么tax law有变化 富人就不捐款了 这俩之间的联系就是A 因为有钱人会被这个变化刺激 如果富人不管你怎么变化都还捐 那就无所谓你改不改 所以A就是个跳板 基于这个基础 才会影响到这些慈善机构 D是加强了therefore之后的结论
一定一定要弥补整个argument没有写出来的gap:这些wealth people捐款的原因就是能降税,不能降税他们就不会再捐了。
这道题强调在“wealthy people”,最后两句都要看,是一整条逻辑链
eliminate deductions from taxable income for donations意思是取消对慈善机构捐赠的税收减免,也就是说向慈善机构捐钱也需要交钱
错选了B 太绝对化了,不一定是唯一的渠道,只是说别的机关最大限度地捐了钱,而慈善这一块突然少了,所以钱不够了
一项税收变化将不再允许纳税人将捐献给慈善组织的善款从taxable income中扣除。因此许多慈善机构将减少服务甚至关门。问assume
choice a, 在没有联邦收入法的刺激之下,至少一部分富人不会像有刺激的情况之下捐那么多钱。correct,取非,没有刺激的情况下,所有富人还是跟之前一样捐那么多钱-> weaken the conclsuion
choice b, 个人通过联邦收入法的捐款是慈善组织唯一的收入来源。incorrect,不管是不是唯一收入来源,只要这部分捐款减少了就会影响到服务甚至关门。 choice d同理
D 富人是唯一来源,但不排除减税后他们依然捐款 所以排除
A 确定了一些捐献者会减少捐款的可能
一定一定要弥补整个argument没有写出来的gap:这些wealth people捐款的原因就是能降税,不能降税他们就不会再捐了。
因为来自富人的这笔捐款少了就是少了 不可否认
RON:the correct answer should be necessary.
in other words, if it is NOT true, then the argument is invalid.
B取非:因为可以抵税才捐赠的人不是这些慈善机构的钱的唯一来源(慈善机构的钱有其他来源)。钱不能扣减--〉还是有人捐赠--〉这些捐赠的人如果捐少了,慈善机构还是可能会减少服务或者关门;这些人没有捐少,慈善机构不受影响。SO if B is not true, the argument is not necessarily invalid.
P:捐赠者捐赠的钱不能从taxable income中抵减
A 钱不能扣减--〉discourage捐赠者,捐赠者捐的钱变少--〉慈善机构经营不下去
B 错选。 因为可以抵税才捐赠的人是这些慈善机构的钱的唯一来源。钱不能扣减--〉不捐赠--〉慈善机构经营不下去
B取非:因为可以抵税才捐赠的人不是这些慈善机构的钱的唯一来源(慈善机构的钱有其他来源)。钱不能扣减--〉还是有人捐赠--〉慈善机构不一定会减少服务或者关门 SO why is B wrong???
(b) says that rich individuals provide all the funding.
if this is false, then you know that there are other sources of funding, too.
that doesn't destroy the argument, though: even if rich individuals are only one source of donations, a decrement in the $ amount that they donate could still lead to a reduction in services.
(a) says, basically, "some rich people would give less money".
if that statement is false, then this means that no rich people would reduce their donations. (again, don't try to make a "rule" for this; just ask yourself what it would mean for the statement to be false.)
if that's the case, then clearly the argument makes no sense anymore, because removing the deductions would have no effect at all in that case.
B 税法规定的人捐赠的钱是这些组织的唯一资金来源 (那么即使税法在扣减应税收入方面做了改变, 也不会对之前规定的人造成影响, 毕竟这是两类人, 一类是税法规定其捐赠的人, 称之为A类, 另一类是税法改变之后对另一类自愿捐赠产生影响的人, 称之为B类, 所以无论税法如何变化,A类人依然要对这些机构进行捐赠, 那么就不存在倒闭的可能了, 因此B是对倒闭的直接削弱);
D 捐钱的富人是唯一的捐赠人 (税法改变后,虽然不再对富人的应税收入进行扣减,但是富人依然可能会捐钱,毕竟富人可能并不在乎税法给予的任何减免政策,他们只是出于善心,所以,这样不能加强机构倒闭的可能)
首先要看懂选项啊!阅读能力差太可怕了T T
错选B,开始觉得A也不好,因为不能保证捐款对这些机构有很大影响,但是题目中确实是只说了会减少服务甚至关门(也就是说有影响,但是程度不一定),所以A至少可以保证是有影响的(钱肯定少了);但是B不能保证有影响;Mark:1.关注程度副词及其本质 2.区别加强和假设