In despite of the steady population flow out from rural areas into urban clusters, nearly 5 million farm households are still in Japan out of a total population of some 116 million people.
In despite of the steady population flow out from rural areas into urban clusters, nearly 5 million farm households are still in Japan
In spite of the steady population flow out from rural areas into urban clusters, nearly 5 million farm households are still in Japan
Despite the steady population flow from rural areas into urban clusters, Japan’s farm households are still nearly 5 million
Despite the steady population flow from rural areas to urban clusters, there are still nearly 5 million farm households in Japan
In Japan, despite the steady population flow out from rural areas into urban clusters, still there are nearly 5 million farm households
注意still的位置, B中强调仍留在日本 D中强调仍然有XX人
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