Over the past five years, the price gap between name-brand cereals and less expensive store-brand cereals has become so wide that consumers have been switching increasingly to store brands despite the name brands' reputation for better quality. To attract these consumers back, several manufacturers of name-brand cereals plan to narrow the price gap between their cereals and store brands to less than what it was five years ago.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously calls into question the likelihood that the manufacturers' plan will succeed in attracting back a large percentage of consumers who have switched to store brands?
There is no significant difference among manufacturers of name-brand cereals in the prices they charge for their products.
Consumers who have switched to store-brand cereals have generally been satisfied with the quality of those cereals.
Many consumers would never think of switching to store-brand cereals because they believe the name brand cereals to be of better quality.
Because of lower advertising costs, stores are able to offer their own brands of cereals at significantly lower prices than those charged for name-brand cereals
Total annual sales of cereals-including both name-brand and store-brand cereals-have not increased significantly over the past five years.
B:顾客已经很满意store brand的质量了,所以即使名牌降价,顾客也不会买,直接削弱。
D:说的是store brand由于广告费用低,所以有能力比name brand提供更低的价格。进一步分析:之前name brand顾客流失的原因是由于namebrand和storebrand价格差距太大,以至于即使namebrand质量更高,顾客也不愿意买了。那么现在价格差距减小了,我们却不能判断顾客对缩小之后的价格差的接受程度。①如果顾客认为价格差距已经小到多付一点点钱就可以获得很多很多的高质量的商品时,那顾客就会买name brand。 ②如果顾客认为缩小后的价格差还是没有达到自己的预期,自己更愿意花更少的钱买相对质量不那么高的产品,那么商家的措施还是没用。 所以,D没办法直接削弱。
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