In Rubaria, excellent health care is available to virtually the entire population, whereas very few people in Terland receive adequate medical care. Yet, although the death rate for most diseases is higher in Terland than in Rubaria, the percentage of the male population that dies from prostate cancer is significantly higher in Rubaria than in Terland.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the disparity between the prostate cancer death rate in Rubaria and Terland?
Effective treatment of prostate cancer in its early stages generally requires medical techniques available in Rubaria but not in Terland.
Most men who have prostate cancer are older than the average life expectancy for male inhabitants of Terland.
Being in poor general health does not increase one's risk of developing prostate cancer.
It is possible to decrease one's risk of getting prostate cancer by eating certain kinds of foods, and such foods are more readily available in Rubaria than in Terland.
Among men in Rubaria, the death rate from prostate cancer is significantly higher for those who do not take full advantage of Rubaria's health care system than for those who do.
已知 R的医疗条件优于T, T的多数疾病死亡率高于R ➡️ 某病的男性患者死亡率 R>T
类比推理 —— 推理方向:R国和T国的其他不同+男性
E 混淆项 对于医疗系统的合理利用不足,造成了R国国内患该癌症男性死亡率比国内其他男性高(无关比较,这里应该解释的是R国和T国男性癌症死亡率的差异)
正确选项给出了“除了因为医疗条件”的另一个原因:R国患病者年龄更高 - 即年龄 新变量
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