A significant number of complex repair jobs carried out by Ace Repairs have to be reworked under the company's warranty. The reworked jobs are invariably satisfactory. When initial repairs are inadequate, therefore, it is not because the mechanics lack competence; rather, there is clearly a level of focused concentration that complex repairs require that is elicited more reliably by rework jobs than by first-time jobs.
The argument above assumes which of the following?
There is no systematic difference in membership between the group of mechanics who do first-time jobs and the group of those who do rework jobs.
There is no company that successfully competes with Ace Repairs for complex repair jobs.
Ace Repairs' warranty is good on first-time jobs but does not cover rework jobs.
Ace Repairs does not in any way penalize mechanics who have worked on complex repair jobs that later had to be reworked.
There is no category of repair jobs in which Ace Repairs invariably carries out first-time jobs satisfactorily.
D 取非之后说的是 会惩罚第一次没有做好(导致 later had to be reworked)的工人。如果是这样的话,工人应该第一次就更加认真做(应该不想被罚款),那么第一次的满意度更好才对!但是这样想就质疑前提了,因为文章结论的Premise是“When initial repairs are inadequate”。总的来说D 和我们想要削弱这个原因(工作复杂需要二次返工)没关系。
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