Books in European libraries last longer than books in libraries in the United States because, although the climate in Europe is fairly humid, libraries there are not subjected to the extremes of temperature and humidity that damage collections in the United States.

because, although the climate in Europe is fairly humid, libraries there are not subjected to the extremes of temperature and humidity that

because, although the climate in Europe is fairly humid, libraries there are not subject of the extremes of temperature and humidity as those that

because, although the climate in Europe is fairly humid, libraries there are not subjected to the extremities of temperature and humidity as

because the climate in Europe is fairly humid, but still libraries there are not subject of the extremes of temperature and humidity as

because the climate in Europe is fairly humid, but libraries there are not subjected to the extremities of temperature and humidity such as those that




A选项:Correct. 本选项在语法和逻辑上均是正确的。

B选项:第一,在习语上,“遭受”应该用be not subject to而不是be not subject of;第二,as身后的those that damage collections in the United States是名词短语,这表示as在本选项中是介词。作介词时,as意为:“作为”。在逻辑上,“极端的气温和湿度”本身就是毁坏美国展品的东西,而不必要说“极端的气温和湿度”是“作为”毁坏美国展品的。


D选项:本选项主干混乱。because the climate in Europe is fairly humid这个原因状语从句直接修饰主句Books in European libraries last longer than books in libraries in the United States。在逻辑上,“在欧洲的气候相当的潮湿”和“在欧洲图书馆的书会保存时间比美国的更长”没有因果关系,不能用because连接。另外,be subject of习惯搭配错误同选项(B);as措辞错误同选项(B)。

E选项:because连接两者不具备因果关系错误同选项(D)。such as有误,它是“例如”的意思,“极端的气温和湿度”本身是毁坏美国展品的东西,而不能说“极端的气温和湿度”是“例如”毁坏美国展品的东西。


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