The results of two recent unrelated studies support the idea that dolphins may share certain cognitive abilities with humans and great apes; the studies indicate dolphins as capable of recognizing themselves in mirrors—an ability that is often considered a sign of self-awareness—and to grasp spontaneously the mood or intention of humans.
dolphins as capable of recognizing themselves in mirrors—an ability that is often considered a sign of self-awareness—and to grasp spontaneously
dolphins' ability to recognize themselves in mirrors—an ability that is often considered as a sign of self-awareness—and of spontaneously grasping
dolphins to be capable of recognizing themselves in mirrors—an ability that is often considered a sign of self-awareness—and to grasp spontaneously
that dolphins have the ability of recognizing themselves in mirrors—an ability that is often considered as a sign of self-awareness—and spontaneously grasping
that dolphins are capable of recognizing themselves in mirrors—an ability that is often considered a sign of self-awareness—and of spontaneously grasping
观察单个选项很难发现考点,只有对比(A)(B)两个选项才能看出to grasp和of grasping的区别,进而可以发现平行的考点。
A选项:as capable of recognizing themselves in mirrors可以看作是dolphins的补语(宾补)在这点上问题不大,主要的问题出现在平行上,在逻辑上,recognize themselves in mirrors(认识自己)和grasp spontaneously the mood or intention of humans(掌握人类的情绪和目的)分别是海豚的两种能力,两者应该在语法上平行,但是本选项中两者是不平行的(of recognizing themselves in mirrors和to grasp spontaneously)。
B选项:recognize和grasp的平行错误同(A);另外,本选项中不定式to recognize themselves in mirrors是ability的定语,这使得谓语动词indicate的宾语的核心词为“能力”。但在逻辑上,研究表明的事情应该是“海豚有能力做什么”,而不是“海豚的能力”。
C选项:不定式to be capable of recognizing themselves in mirrors是dolphins的补语(宾补)。这是不正确的,谓语动词indicate身后应该用宾语从句而不是名词加不定式,这点考查了“不定式和从句的区别”。
D选项:the ability身后只能加不定式to do而不能加介词短语of doing。这点考查了“动名词和不定式的区别”。用之于本题,例如我们说:
James have the ability to finish GMAT.
E选项:Correct. 本选项在语法和逻辑上均是正确的。
D主要错在have ability了,抽主干就是dolphins have the ability,就像women have likelihood,这种是不能接受的,不如dolphins are capable of 或者 women are likely to do(主干里有具体的事情)
the ability to do
Consider sb sth
这题好郁闷呀。 DE第一点不同: D 是 have the ability of doing, E 是 be capable of doing.(啰嗦不算错,二者都是正确的);第二处不同, D is considered as; E is considered (这里我觉得一般是加介词as 的,我选了D);第三处不同D 中 have the ability of recognizing and spontaneously grasping, E的 be capable of doing and of spontaneously grasping, E 的平行标注的更加明显。
我记得曼哈顿说过consider as gmat不接受
consider不用加as 直接就是considerA B
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简单题!the ability身后只能加不定式to do而不能加介词短语of doing,且D少个of不满足并列条件
D E 做题时纠结太细,D的主干是海豚有能力,E的主干是海豚能做什么,判断句间关系因为前面说一个研究揭示了一件事情,逻辑上来说应该是揭示海豚能干嘛,而不是海豚有能力,所以选E
D:ability只能接to do!
E: an ability 是“dolphins are capable of recognizing themselves in mirrors”的概括性同位语
be able to/have the ability to
be capable of
the ability身后只能加不定式to do而不能加介词短语of doing
capable of doing
ability to do
②the ability身后只能加不定式to do而不能加介词短语of doing。(ability表示的是一种能力,不一定要做)
indicate that
be capable of
have the ability to
consider sb sth (GMAT prefer)
the ability身后只能加不定式to do而不能加介词短语of doing。这点考查了“动名词和不定式的区别”。用之于本题,例如我们说:
James have the ability to finish GMAT.
can,既可以描述主观可能性,也可以描述客观可能性。比如,可以说bird can fly, but you can't.
be able to,多用于人和有生物的能力,不用于描述客观事物的能力。 比如说,天能下雨也能下雪,it can rain and snow,但不能说,it is able to rain and snow。
be capable of可以同时描写人和物的能力,但多用于描写事物的能力。比如,the train is capable of carring 100 people.;I am capable of building up a plant for cars.有能力建立一个汽车工厂。
the ability to do sth,只能跟to do;the capability to do sth或of doing sth
indicate that,recognizing和grasping平行
①the ability身后只能加不定式to do而不能加介词短语of doing
②are capable of recognizing
call, find ,elect ,make ,consider A B 才是sc中prefer的选项。
本题indicate that 在de中选择。
1/如果没看出来平行....,看到consider也能做。gmat里面consider围绕的sc题目不下10个,我记得比如 consider (as/like/to/should) 全是错❌,只有consider A B,A是名词,B是名词或者形容词。ex. consider me a good friend/ consider me smart,所以"consider as..."错误,排除d。
2/如果看出来平行,平行介词也要平行。of doing ...of doing 很容易 pick e。