Unlike the nests of leaf cutters and most other ants, situated underground or in pieces of wood, raider ants make a portable nest by entwining their long legs to form "curtains" of ants that hang from logs or boulders, providing protection for the queen and the colony larvae and pupae.
the nests of leaf cutters and most other ants,
the nests of leaf cutters and most other ants, which are
leaf cutters and most other ants, whose nests are
leaf cutters and most other ants in having nests
those of leaf cutters and most other ants with nests
A选项:比较对象不对等,应该是两种生物的比较(leaf cutters and most other ants和raider ants),而不能是巢穴(nests)和动物的比较。
C选项:Correct. 本选项在语法和逻辑上均是正确的。
D选项:本选项具有较强的迷惑性。in having nests situated underground or in pieces of wood是由in引导的介词短语。这表示,having nests situated underground or in pieces of wood必然是一个动名词短语(介词身后只能加名词),因此,这个having不具有“逻辑主语”是谁的问题,因为“名词”从来没有逻辑主语(要想给动名词或者名词添加自己的主语,必须用所有格的形式,例如most other ants' having nests)。因此,在本选项中,having nests并没有主语,即,我们不知道是谁在拥有这些巢穴。但在逻辑上,显然是蚂蚁们拥有这些巢穴,因此,应该用定语从句。
unlike A in (having nests situated underground or in pieces of wood), B......
这个括号里的内容应该是B的不同之处,可以理解成:B吧自己的巢穴建在地下或者树木中(这点很不像A),B .......
就像之前讲过的in that,in后面表示的应该是一个特殊的,不同于其他的特质
William becomes the only student to win that scholarship in that he made good communications with the dean.
Unlike other students in making good communications with the dean, William becomes the only student to win that scholarship.
666 谢谢大佬
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Split#2:选项D中的"in"后面跟的一定是名词,无法表达leaf cutter拥有nest的意思,去掉
毕老师讲得很好,很多人说D选项变成比较对象不对称,但是leaf cutters and most other ants后加介词结构,unlike后的核心词并没有改变,参见这个正确句:Like clones in their similarity to one another, members of the cheetah species are especially vulnerable to disease because of their homogeneity
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D 选项区分动名词短语和非谓语是个新知识点
看到unlike心里还有一个预判,平行,所以后面也应该接ants,ABE排——剩下CD,D有个in having,直接排———选C
请问E选项中的those具体是指什么呢 ?为什么说E选项比较对象是错误的?
D选项的inhaling nests situated underground可以做ants的定语吗?
D 的意思貌似是和在pieces of wood 中的 leaf cutters不同,xxx是怎样的
改变了句子意思,原句意思是和 leaf cutters 把巢放在哪哪不同,xxx把巢穴怎么怎么样
如果比较对象是noun的话,那么注意nou.modifier 可能会缩小其比较范围,从而使得与题目原意不同,比如一些介词短语,ved/ving 分词(of…in…at…with…)
例如OG689 的D选项,in having nests situated …就近修饰名词ants,那么就使得比较对象的范围缩小,即不是所有的leaf cutters and other ants 和 raider ants 作比较了,而是‘in having nests situated …’的ants 与raider ants 作比较了
介词短语 状语 没有动词可以让他修饰
IN 引导的介词短语,having没有逻辑主语。
老师,那D选项不能看成是介词短语修饰前面的ants吗,这样不是也可以把having nest...后面的内容通过修饰加到前面的蚂蚁上去吗
我在看到D该选项的时候是这么理解的:unlike引导的是状语,那么"in having nests"的逻辑主语是raider ants, 与原句的intended meaning不符。这么理解不知道是否可以呢?
This sentence correctly compares leaf cutters and other ants
with raider ants, but the prepositional phrase in having nests
suggests that it is raider ants, not leaf cutters and most other
ants, that have nests situated underground or in pieces of wood;
however, the rest of the sentence indicates that in fact raider
ants’ nests are not situated in such locations.
我觉得OG的解释是说:按照D选项的表述,这个句子暗示了 ”in having nests situated underground or in pieces of wood"这个行为是raider ants发出的,而不是它的比较对象leaf cutters and most other ants. 但是逗号后面又说,"raider ants make a portable nests by..." 这样的话就前后矛盾并且构不成对比关系了。
谢谢你的解答,OG解释我看懂了,我的问题是为什么”in having nests situated underground or in pieces of wood"这个行为是raider ants发出的?这个是跟在leaf cutters and most other ants的
D里面,“unlike...in pieces of wood"是状语从句,后面raider ants开头的那句是主句,状语的主语是跟随主句主语的(独立主格除外),所以"in having nests... in pieces of wood"这个行为就成了raider ants发出的了。这个是我的理解...要待我再验证一下哈。
我来更正一下我之前的说法。Unlike leaf cutters and most other ants in having nests situated underground or in pieces of wood这个句子确实是修饰raider ants没错的,不过这一部分是作为raider ants的前置定语存在的,不是状语哦。
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求解答~和OG18,690题中的B选项“ having their ability to survive”,为什么690中的their赘余要去掉,这里去掉就不可以了呢~~
having their ability 是伴随状语,有逻辑主语,和主句主语相同。而动名词短语没有
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Generally, in + VERBing serves to modify the VERB IN THE FOLLOWING CLAUSE.
D: In having nests, situated underground or in pieces of wood, raider ants make a portable nest.
Here, in having seems to modify make -- the action performed by raider ants.
in + VERBing is an ADVERB. An adverb cannot serve to modify a noun.
Thus, it is not possible for in having to serve to modify leaf cutters and most other ants (two nouns).
In D, the only eligible referent for in having is make -- the verb in the following clause.
Turn to Stockbrokers for help in buying stocks
here,In doing modifies the noun help
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