When asteroids collide, some collisions cause an asteroid to spin faster; others slow it down. If asteroids are all monoliths—singlerocks—undergoing random collisions, a graph of their rotation rates should show a bell-shaped distribution with statistical “tails” of very fast and very slow rotators. If asteroids are rubble piles, however, the tail representing the very fast rotators would be missing,because any loose aggregate spinning faster than once every few hours(depending on the asteroid’s bulk density) would fly apart. Researchers have discovered that all but five observed asteroids obey a strict limit on rate of rotation.The exceptions are all smaller than 200 meters in diameter, with an abrupt cutoff for asteroids larger than that.
The evident conclusion—that asteroids larger than 200 meters across are multicomponent structures or rubble piles—agrees with recent computer modeling of collisions, which also finds a transition at that diameter. A collision can blast a large asteroid to bits, but after the collision those bits will usually move slower than their mutual escape velocity. Over several hours, gravity will reassemble all but the fastest pieces into a rubble pile. Because collisions among asteroids are relatively frequent, most large bodies have already suffered this fate. Conversely, most small asteroids should be monolithic, because impact fragments easily escape their feeble gravity.
The passage implies which of the following about the five asteroids mentioned in the highlighted text?
Their rotation rates are approximately the same.
They have undergone approximately the same number of collisions.
They are monoliths.
They are composed of fragments that have escaped the gravity of larger asteroids.
They were detected only recently.
1. 现象:小行星相撞
如果是rubber piles——转得快的就跑了(没有快的部分)
2. 比200米大的行星是rubber pile,这个结论是对的。因为大的行星被撞后成了碎片,这些碎片的移动速度比逃跑速度小,所以几个小时后,这些速度慢的会聚在一起,速度快的就跑了。
D选项:他们由碎片组成,那些碎片是从大行星上逃跑的:这五个行星是M,也就是single rocks,并不是大行星的碎片。
不是说了with an abrupt cutoff for asteroids larger than that吗???文章最后一句说most小行星凭什么就说这五个一定是啊???无语了。
Researchers have discovered that all but five observed asteroids obey a strict limit on rate of rotation.The exceptions are all smaller than 200 meters in diameter, with an abrupt cutoff for asteroids larger than that.
The passage 【implies】 which of the following about the five asteroids mentioned in the highlighted text? (imply意味着未必在原文有明确的表述但肯定是原文内容强烈暗示可推测出来的!)
C选项:They are monoliths 正确。他们都是M:文章最后一句说,[most] small asteroids "should" be monolithic----"暗示"这五个行星是M
D选项:They are 【composed of】fragments that have escaped the gravity of larger asteroids. 他们由碎片组成,那些碎片是从大行星上逃跑的:这五个行星是M,也就是single rocks,并不是大行星的碎片。(原文有 fragments that have escaped the gravity of larger asteroids,但从未说过这五个行星是由这些碎片【组成的】!)
关于five observed asteroids 的描写是 obey a strict limit on rate of rotations.
后文紧接着写 The exception are all smaller than 200 ... with an abrupt cutoff for asteroids larger than that.
这意味着,这五个行星与the exception的是不同的。关于the exception的特征是with an abrupt cutoff——这是rubble pile的特征,那么这五个行星就是相对的monolith。
A approximately the same——错,文章在rubble pile提到spinning/rotation rate——depending on the asteroid’s bulk density。并且没有讲到“速度相同”的内容。
B the same number of collisions. ——错
D 这是rubble pile的特征——见原文fly apart
E detected only recently.——错。原文没有提到啥时候detect的
五个小于200米的是特例 它们没有转速限制(可以转的很快,m的特征)
是不是应该从这里得到结论 most small asteroids should be monolithic, because impact fragments easily escape their feeble gravity,貌似还是要理解全文,这篇文章第一段是讲现象,第二段讲原因。不过真的原因也不是理解的很好,求讲解。
虽然耐下心来貌似也可以做对一半 但是...真的很惨...
定位:1. The exceptions are all smaller than 200 meters in diameter, with an abrupt cutoff for asteroids larger than that.
2. If asteroids are all monoliths... If asteroids are rubble piles碎石堆;前面monoliths就应该是由一个行星组成。
3. most small asteroids should be monolithic
C 答案是取反后得到的,很符合出题套路啊
five 之前有个 all but five...所以说的就是“全部的彗星除了这五个”,和下一句的exceptions相呼应。大的那坨星星满足了rubble piles的条件 所以他们是monoliths 有快有慢的
我为什么觉得“They are composed of fragments that have escaped the gravity of larger asteroids.”说的就是单个石头逃出彗星群就变成了 exception 呢。可能还是对 exception 想表示的意思没有弄清楚
我要跪了...其实这道题很简单,就是排除法,而且第一段就讲了2个情况,一个没有旋转速度特别快的彗星群,还有有旋转速度特别快的单个彗星。那5个 exception 指的就是单个彗星...