Outlining his strategy for nursing the troubled conglomerate back to health, the chief executive's plans were announced on Wednesday for cutting the company's huge debt by selling nearly $12 billion in assets over the next 18 months.
executive's plans were announced on Wednesday for cutting the company's huge debt by selling nearly $12 billion in assets over the next 18 months
executive's plans, which are to cut the company's huge debt by selling nearly $12 billion in assets over the next 18 months, were announced on Wednesday
executive's plans for cutting the company's huge debt by selling nearly $12 billion in assets over the next 18 months were announced on Wednesday
executive announced plans Wednesday to cut the company's huge debt by selling nearly $12 billion in assets over the next 18 months
executive announced plans Wednesday that are to cut the company's huge debt by selling nearly $12 billion in assets over the next 18 months
A选项:本选项中outline的主语是计划(plans),但是,在逻辑上,能概括策略的肯定是“人”,而不是“计划”,所以outline的逻辑主语应该为executive而不是executive’s plans;
另外,for cutting the company’s huge debt不能用于修饰plan。这点考查了“不定式和ing的区别”。用之于本选项,计划的内容,肯定是在主句发生后,会被影响进而开始发生的事件,所以必须用不定式短语。
D选项:Correct. 本选项在语法和逻辑上均是正确的。
E选项:本选项中that are to cut the company’s huge debt是plans的限定性定语,其中的that are是不能添加的。to cut已经可以修饰plans了,表示plans的内容,不必要再行添加that are。
当剩下DE选项的时候直接去找不同点,思考不同点的理由,不要割裂来看两个选项。E选项中的that are 没有任何意义,可以直接去掉。
计划的内容是宣告……,所以是先有计划才能在宣告,那么计划的发生对于宣告有直接的影响。且E中that are本身是多余的,that作为从句的主语没有指代,如果是指代计划则不是在说人话
e选项中限制性定语从句that are修饰plans,是多余的,可以直接to do 做定语
A选项:plans were announced for cutting...were announced修饰前面plans还是后面for cutting...有歧义;
B选项:which are to...时态有问题,同时巨长的修饰成分,祝谓语隔的较远,不优;
E选项:that are to cut...限制性定语从句,that are代表the plans 自己执行cutting and selling 的行为,❌
E选项:本选项中that are to cut the company’s huge debt是plans的限定性定语,其中的that are是不能添加的。to cut已经可以修饰plans了,表示plans的内容,不必要再行添加that are。A选项:不定式和ing作状语,首选不定式
此题省略了on Wednesday 的on
老师,为什么on wednesday这里可以省略on呢
If the problem is about using Wednesday barely without the preposition on, then I would say that it is an accepted version all over American journalism and composition to use timelines without the proposition on. This choice also proves GMAT has taken it.
URL: https://gmatclub.com/forum/outlining-his-strategy-for-nursing-the-troubled-conglomerate-134794.html
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E选项中that are to cut .....算不算plan的同位语呢
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是不是D E少了on Wednesday
老师您好~关于to do 和that 那块 我理解的是 announce不会对削减产生影响 所以带to 的不对 不明白这种说法为什么不对 谢谢老师~
to do和that从句都可以看作plan的定语(to cut作为plan的内容),可是为什么announce会影响这一部分的发生从而决定选择D呢?
E选项: This suggests that the plans will cut the debt, when it's the executive who will cut the debt.
e选项把plans...that are to cut看成了一个从句形式,对比d选项的to cut,判断前面的动词announce对此有直接影响,故选了d。请问是否正解?
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E选项为什么that are不能添加看不懂,虽然tocut就能修饰了,但加了thatare感觉也没错啊?
Plans are to cut...可以表达to cut是一个目标嘛?
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Plans that are to cut...
= Plans are to cut...主语不对