Biologists with a predilection for theory have tried—and largely failed—to define what it is that makes something a living thing. Organisms take in energy-providing materials and excrete waste products, but so do automobiles. Living things replicate and take part in evolution, but so do some computer programs. We must be open to the possibility that there are living things on other planets. Therefore, we will not be successful in defining what it is that makes something a living thing merely by examining living things on Earth—the only ones we know. Trying to do so is analogous to trying to specify __________.
Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
the laws of physics by using pure mathematics
what a fish is by listing its chemical components
what an animal is by examining a plant
what a machine is by examining a sketch of it
what a mammal is by examining a zebra
情景:生物学家一直没整明白如何定义“活物”。有机体吸收养分排出废物,汽车也如此;活体复制并进化,电脑程序也如此。我们必须考虑其他星球上也有活物的可能性。因此,我们无法通过只着眼于地球来成功定义什么是“living thing”。做这样的类比相当于_______。
推理:这类题目我们只需搞清楚文段在说什么,然后顺着他的思路往下想即可。文段其实就是在说,目前找不到一个“living thing”独一无二的特点,因为我们不能只着眼于地球而不考虑其他星球的活物,即,不能以点概面、以偏概全。
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