In 1563, in Florence's Palazzo Vecchio, Giorgio Vasari built in front of an existing wall a new wall on which he painted a mural. Investigators recently discovered a gap between Vasari's wall and the original, large enough to have preserved anything painted on the original. Historians believe that Leonardo daVinci had painted, but left unfinished, a mural on the original wall; some historians had also believed that by 1563 the mural had been destroyed.However, it is known that in the late 1560s, when renovating another building, Santa Maria Novella, Vasari built a façade over its frescoes, and the frescoes were thereby preserved. Thus, Leonardo's Palazzo Vecchio mural probably still exists behind Vasari's wall.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
Leonardo rarely if ever destroyed artworks that he left unfinished.
Vasari was likely unaware that the mural in the Palazzo Vecchio had willingly been abandoned by Leonardo.
Vasari probably would not have built the Palazzo Vecchio wall with a gap behind it except to preserve something behind the new wall.
Leonardo would probably have completed the Palazzo Vecchio mural if he had had the opportunity to do so.
When Vasari preserved the frescoes of Santa Maria Novella he did so secretly.
情景:1563年在FPV这个地方 ,GV这个人在一个墙的前面新建了一个墙并且画了壁画。最近发现两墙之间的空隙足够保存后面那堵墙上的东西了。历史学家相信达芬奇在原来那堵墙上画了壁画但是没画完。但又有历史学家认为原墙上的壁画1563年前已经被毁了。然而,1560晚期,GV在SMN的建筑的frescoes上又建了一个façade,因此其壁画被保存下来。所以大家认为达芬奇的壁画还在。
C选项:正确。GV可能不会在墙之间留缝隙除非他想保护新墙后面的什么东西:直接解释了 GV留缝隙的原因,证明了达芬奇的画还在
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