Archaeologists in Michigan have excavated a Native American camp near Dumaw Creek. Radiocarbon dating of animal bones found at the site indicates that the camp dates from some time between 1605 and 1755. However, the camp probably dates to no later than 1630, since no European trade goods were found at the site, and European traders were active in the region from the 1620's onward.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
Due to trade among Native Americans, some European trade goods would have reached the area before the European traders themselves did.
At all camps in the region that have been reliably dated to the late 1620's, remains of European trade goods have been found.
The first European trade goods to reach the area would have been considered especially valuable and preserved as much as possible from loss or destruction.
The first European traders in the area followed soon after the first European explorers.
The site is that of a temporary camp that would have been used seasonally for a few years and then abandoned.
其实我觉得题目就是让你加强:这个camp是E trader来之前就有的,B说:1620以后的camp都有E goods,但是这个camp没有,那么一定是1620之前的,那也一定是1630之前的!总体来说我觉得a和c都是可以从一定程度上加强的,都是在证明:如果有与european trader的贸易,就会留下贸易物的存留物,而这个存留物的年代越早,就越是比1630早。
A. 提出一种可能:贸易应该比1620年更早,但是这个贸易的遗留物(商品)能不能保存下来是不确定的。
C. 最早到达的商品会被珍惜,尽可能地被保存,但是能不能真的被保存下来未知。(而B表明,一定会保存下来,因为在所有其他类似的情况中,都被保留了下来)。总结一下:我觉得gmat很喜欢考的就是用其他类似的情况来类比,说其他所有的情况都怎么怎么样了,其实就是类比、先例法(precidence), 可能我个人的思维里面不习惯这种类比,说其他人怎么怎么样不一定就证明你自己会那样啊,这一点要注意。
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