Personnel officer: The exorbitant cost of our health-insurance benefits reflects the high dollar amount of medical expenses incurred by our employees. Employees who are out of shape, as a group, have higher doctor bills and longer hospital stays than do their colleagues who are fit. Therefore, since we must reduce our health-insurance costs, we should offer a rigorous fitness program of jogging and weight lifting to all employees, and require employees who are out of shape to participate.
Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the personnel officer's proposal?
The medical expenses incurred by fit people who participate in a program of jogging and weight lifting are less than those incurred by fit people who do not participate in such a program.
More otherwise fit people are injured by participating in rigorous jogging and weight-lifting programs than are injured by participating in moderate jogging and weight-lifting programs.
The likelihood of incurring medical expenses is slightly greater for people who participate in fitness programs offered by their employers than it is for people who participate in programs offered commercially.
Moderate fitness programs increase the average person's fitness to the same extent that rigorous fitness programs do.
More health problems and injuries are the result of mandatory participation in a fitness program than are the result of voluntary participation.
目标:To reduce our health-insurance costs
方案:We should offer a rigorous fitness program of jogging and weight lifting to all employees, and require employees who are out of shape to participate
A选项:Correct. 参加慢跑活动的健康人的医疗花费要比不参加慢跑活动的健康人的医疗花费要低。将本选项取非,即,如果参加慢跑的健康人医疗花费比不参加的人要高,那么慢跑这个方案显然不一定能达成“减少医疗花费”这个目标。因为纵然胖人确实减少了花费,但是健康人增加了花费,实在无法断定总的花费是比以前高还是低,可以削弱方案推理,所以本选项为正确选项。
“we should offer a rigorous fitness program of jogging and weight lifting to all employees, ”是all employees,而不是只对out of shape的那些
we should offer a rigorous fitness program of jogging and weight lifting to all employees, and require employees who are out of shape to participate.
需要看清楚goal: reduce our health-insurance costs.即和launch rigorous program之前的costs相比下降。只要满足1)瘦员工参加了以后医药费下降 or 2)胖员工参加了以后医药费下降就可以满足conclusion
Goal:为了降低总体的医药费用, Plan: 给所有员工提供rigious健身项目,强制胖员工参加, strengthern?
choice a, 参加健身项目的瘦员工的医药费比不参加健身项目的瘦员工的医药费低。correct
choice b, 更多参加严格的慢跑活动的健康人比参加温和一些的慢跑活动的人受伤. weaken, 提到了rigorous program的一个副作用
choice c, 被雇主提供而参加慢跑项目的健康人员涉及到的医疗花费比可能比被推销(commercially)而参加慢跑项目的健康人员要高。irrelevant comparison
choice d, 温和的慢跑项目和严格的慢跑项目在提升人们健康的效果上是一样的。irrelevant comparison
choice e, 强制的健身项目比自愿的健身项目更容易受伤。weaken
这道题Helr给出的情景翻译少翻了一句话: to all employees
注意是all employees
to all employees, and require employees who are out of shape to participate....这就很扎心了 对比着看
很恶心啊这题.... 这种逻辑很牵强,用健康的人推到胖子。呵呵了
方案中提及fitness项目应当提供给所有员工,没说只提供给体形不好的,目标是减少医疗费用,A选项说参加该项目的fit people比不参加这种项目的医疗费用更少,因此正确
所以这道题目里讨论胖子需要运动,从而降低医疗支出,但是题目压根没有胖子什么事儿,而是说,本来就健康的人(瘦的人?)参加了项目可以更省医疗费,所以 项目可以达成结论,太阴险了。
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