Drug manufacturer: Television audiences are sure to realize that the "physician" recommending our brand of cough syrup in our advertisement is actually an actor playing a role. Hence they will not place undue trust in the advice given by this actor. Therefore, networks should relax their guidelines to permit our company to broadcast this advertisement.
Television executive: If the audience can tell that the actor is not a physician, then your advertisement need not have a physician figure recommending your product.
Which of the following is an argumentative strategy used by the television executive in response to the drug manufacturer?
Indicating that the reason the drug manufacturer offers for relaxing the guidelines conflicts with the manufacturer's presumed motive for presenting the image of a physician in the advertisement
Asserting that the drug manufacturer's expressed desire to broadcast the advertisement is motivated by self- interest rather than by genuine interest in the good of the audience
Invoking subjective opinions concerning audience reaction to television advertisements as if those opinions constituted objective evidence
Pointing out that the goals of the drug manufacturer's company differ from those of television networks
Questioning the ability of the drug manufacturer to make any sweeping generalization about what the many different members of the audience may think
不确定是不是可以这样理解,这题其实是透过Television executive的视角质疑drug manufacturer提出的方案可行性,属于方案题。
(可行性 例: 想要Gmat 750,每天读书10小时 >> 如果往不对的方向瞎读,每天读10小时也没用)
C: as if = 彷佛、好像。用主观观点假装客观观点
D: 药厂和电视台的目标不同
E: 质疑药厂的能力(对不同观众想法进行全面概括的能力)
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