Pretzel vendor: The new license fee for operating a pretzel stand outside the art museum is prohibitively expensive. Charging typical prices, a vendor would need to sell an average of 25 pretzels per hour to break even. At my stand outside city hall, I average only 15 per hour. Therefore, I could not break even running a pretzel stand outside the art museum, much less turn a profit.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the pretzel vendor's argument?
There is currently no license fee for operating a pretzel stand outside city hall.
Pretzel vendors who operate stands outside the art museum were making a profit before the imposition of the new license fee.
The number of pretzel stands outside the art museum is no greater than the number of pretzel stands now outside city hall.
People who buy pretzels at pretzel stands are most likely to do so during the hours at which the art museum is open to the visitors.
Fewer people passing the art museum than passing city hall are to buy pretzels.
有很多词很生僻,但是可以猜出来它想说什么:主人公想在art museum外面要卖一些东西,但是要被收取一些费用,这会增加经营的成本。然后主人公估计平均每小时要卖出25个pretzels才可以盈亏平衡。然后文段又说早;另一个地方(city hall),我每小时只能卖出15个pretzels,最后他得出结论在art museum外面买东西无法盈亏平衡。
暗含的类比推理是这样的:把art museum和city hall进行类比,认为在city hall每小时只能卖出15个,所以在art museum外面也只能卖出15个,达不到盈亏平衡的销量标准。那就按照CQ方向削弱,其中就是说明类比的两个事物不一样。B选项就是这么的一个选项。
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