Reviewer: The book Art's Decline argues that European painters today lack skills that were common among European painters of preceding centuries. In this the book must be right, since its analysis of 100 paintings, 50 old and 50 contemporary, demonstrates convincingly that none of the contemporary paintings are executed as skillfully as the older paintings.
Which of the following points to the most serious logical flaw in the reviewer's argument?
The paintings chosen by the book's author for analysis could be those that most support the book's thesis.
There could be criteria other than the technical skill of the artist by which to evaluate a painting.
The title of the book could cause readers to accept the book's thesis even before they read the analysis of the paintings that supports it.
The particular methods currently used by European painters could require less artistic skill than do methods used by painters in other parts of the world.
A reader who was not familiar with the language of art criticism might not be convinced by the book's analysis of the 100 paintings.
A选项:Correct. 作者找的作品都是用来支持他观点的。本选项可以解释为什么“50个当代作品没有一个可以与古代作品媲美”,即,是因为作者自己找的都是不好的。属于CQ1:说明结果问题。
C:现在的欧洲画家的技巧 skills 不及几个世纪之前的画家
❤ 出现统计数据(50个旧 v.s.50个新),攻击数据样本。(样本代表性问题)
A (√ )The paintings chosen by the book's author for analysis could be 【those that most support the book's thesis】.
作者选择画的时候,专挑那种能支持这个结论的画。→ 说明样本不具有代表性,不足以支持结论。(selection bias 选择性偏差)
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