For many revisionist historians, Christopher Columbus has come to personify devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere.
devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere
devastation and enslavement in the name of progress by which native peoples of the Western Hemisphere decimated
devastating and enslaving in the name of progress those native peoples of the Western Hemisphere which in the name of progress are decimated
devastating and enslaving those native peoples of the western Hemisphere which in the name of progress are decimated
the devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that have decimated the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere
对于很多历史学家来说,Christopher Columbus把毁坏和奴役(这些破坏性行为是大批杀害了西半球当地人民的)给以进步的方式或名义来人性化了。
也就是说,Christopher Columbus这个人其实是把那种很坏的事情和杀人的事情给冠以了一个非常冠冕堂皇的理由。
选项A:定语从句that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere应改为that have decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere。这是因为,如果定语从句中用has,则其先行词必然是单数名词,即,progress。在逻辑上,进步本身是不会杀害任何人的,真正杀害大批人的应该是“毁坏和奴役(devastation and enslavement)”。
选项B:在定语从句 by which native peoples of the Western Hemisphere decimated中,大批杀害(decimate)是主动语态,而西半球当地的人民应该是“被”杀害而不是主动发出杀害这个动作。
选项C:首先,动名词短语devastating and enslaving in the name of progress需改为名词短语the devastation and enslavement in the name of progress,这点考查了名词和动名词的区别。用之于本题,显然地,毁坏和奴役西半球土著人民这件事在主句中都已经是被“人性化”了,其说明这两件事早已结束(“人性化”已经是对一件事的评价或者平反阶段了),自然有时间的终止点。其次,which身后引导了一个定语从句,介词短语in the name of progress做状语修饰native peoples of the Western Hemisphere are decimated(当地人被杀害)。这造成了逻辑错误,不能说“西半球的人是以进步的名义被杀害的”。应该是以进步的名义拟人化杀害西半球人民的奴役行为。
选项E:Correct. 本选项在语法和逻辑上均是正确的。
从and连接排除其他选项只剩下AE.这里考察的是跨modifier的从句修饰。根据语义来选择,解释从official explanation.
that + SINGULAR VERB should refer to the nearest preceding SINGULAR noun.
that + PLURAL VERB should refer to the nearest preceding PLURAL noun.
A: progress that has decimated native peoples
B: progress by which native peoples...have been decimated
Here, both that and which seem to refer to progress.
官方模考做到此题 错选B 不过B选项跟这里不一样 devastation and enslavement in the name of progress by which native peoples of the Western Hemisphere (have been) decimated 是被动的 所以不确定排除B的原因
同时怀疑E选项 the devastation and enslavement 为什么只有一个the 我理解两个名词应该都加the或者都不加
decimated vt.大批杀害
A that has中的has不对——改have
B by which是被动语态,应该成were decimated
C are decimated时态不对,which不能修饰人,逻辑语意也不对
D 同C错一样
compound subject,所以用have。此外,注意语义
这套题,我被that 从句虐的好惨
错选A that跳跃修饰 have复数
in the name of progress 以进步的名义
理解句意 进步本身是不会杀害任何人的 真正杀害人的应该是devastation and enslacement B 应该是被动 CD 动名词强调的是过程 n 强调的是结果
在逻辑上,进步本身是不会杀害任何人的,真正杀害大批人的应该是“毁坏和奴役(devastation and enslavement)”。
有个疑问:that如果要修饰devastation and enslavement,为什么跟在process后面?
可以理解为that have decimated。。。这个句子是devastation and enslavement 的定语从句吗?
我发现难一点的SC都是看逻辑意思排除,其实感觉语法上A没错……还有是不是which不可跳跃修饰而that可以,感觉已经看了几道有关that没有修饰它紧跟的名词了,想确认一下。反正我是一开始就排除了E现在看来还是E的逻辑意思比较准确…… 将毁灭与奴役赋予“进步”的意义,(毁灭和奴役)摧毁了土著人