Mashika: We already know from polling data that some segments of the electorate provide significant support to Ms. Puerta. If those segments also provide significant support to Mr. Quintana, then no segment of the electorate that provides significant support to Mr. Quintana provides significant support to Mr. Ramirez.
Salim: But actually, as the latest polling data conclusively shows, at least one segment of the electorate does provide significant support to both Mr. Quintana and Mr. Ramirez.
Among the following statements, which is it most reasonable to infer from the assertions by Mashika and Salim?
At least one segment of the electorate provides significant support neither to Mr. Quintana nor to Mr. Ramirez.
At least one segment of the electorate provides significant support to Ms. Puerta but not to Mr. Quintana.
Each segment of the electorate provides significant support to Ms. Puerta.
Each segment of the electorate provides significant support to Mr. Quintana.
Each segment of the electorate provides significant support to Mr. Ramirez.
如果支持p的也去支持q 那沒人會支持r
反駁 : 但就是現在只有支持qr的人
所以能確定的是p一定有人支持 而且也沒支持q 不然支持qr的人的論述會被推翻
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