(The following is excerpted from material written in 1992.)
Many researchers regard Thailand's recent economic growth, as reflected by its gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates,as an example of the success of a modern technological development strategy based on the market economics of industrialized countries. Yet by focusing solely on aggregate economic growth data as the measure of Thailand's development, these researchers have overlooked the economic impact of rural development projects that improve people's daily lives at the village level — such as the cooperative raising of water buffalo, improved sanitation, and the development of food crops both for consumption and for sale at local markets; such projects are not adequately reflected in the country's GDP. These researchers, influenced by Robert Heilbroner's now outdated development theory, tend to view nontechnological development as an obstacle to progress. Heilbroner's theory has become doctrine in some economics textbooks: for example, Monte Palmer disparages nontechnological rural development projects as inhibiting constructive change. Yet as Ann Kelleher's two recent case studies of the Thai villages Non Muang and Dong Keng illustrate, the nontechnological-versus-technological dichotomy can lead researchers not only to overlook real advances achieved by rural development projects but also mistakenly to conclude that because such advances are initiated by rural leaders and are based on traditional values and practices, they retard "real" economic development.
The primary purpose of the passage is to
explain the true reasons for the increase in Thailand's GDP
argue for the adoption of certain rural development projects
question the value of technological development in Thailand
criticize certain assumptions about economic development in Thailand
compare traditional and modern development strategies in Thailand
正确答案是 D. 批评某些有关泰国经济发展的假设。本文的主要目的是指出,一些研究者单纯地依靠GDP的增长率来判断泰国的经济发展,他们忽略了农村发展项目对民众日常生活的影响,这些项目包括合作养殖水牛、改善卫生条件和开发食用和销售市场的粮食作物等。文章把这些假设和Robert Heilbroner现已过时的发展理论相比较,指出它们会让研究者漏掉农村发展项目的真实成就,并错误地认为这些由农村领导人发起、以传统价值观和实践为基础的项目会阻碍真正的经济发展。
文章说的是质疑在进行GDP分析的时候没有把非科技的因素包含进去.错选A,注意A说的是【GPD增长】的原因,但是在通过这两句话①“Thailand's recent economic growth, as reflected by its gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates”②“Yet by focusing solely on aggregate economic growth data as the measure of Thailand's development”可以知道,作者并不认同以经济增长数据——【GPD】——衡量泰国的发展。因此本文就更加不会解释【GDP增长的真正原因】了。所以A错误。正确D,这篇文章的assumptions是只有科技进步带来的发展才是有益的,非科技对进步是阻碍。这样的前提假设是不对的,文章在批判它
B. 没有争论certain rural development project
作者并没有否认之前理论里对科技的肯定,但是他认为它们忽略了农村发展对经济的贡献,A true reason不成立
错选E,没有认真读选项,development strategies,比较的不是不同的发展策略,而是对泰国经济发展的不同看法。
B. 并未说应该采用哪种特定的rural development projects
D. certain assumptions:nontechnological阻碍发展,作者在criticize这个assumption
A such projects are not adequately reflected in the country's GDP
---by 王小曉
认真阅读全文,可以感受到作者对于在经济课本上H教授的教条/观点是非常的嗤之以鼻的。。(即count城市GDP的时候没有把非技术类发展的成果给算进去就是因为H带来的观点普遍认为非技术发展不是真的发展) 非常多的yet以及最后real加了冒号都说明作者对这种观点的不满。。还有强调这种观点带来的坏处blablabla
C中说,质疑泰国的科技发展 文章并没有质疑科技本身的发展
Yet by focusing solely on aggregate economic growth data as the measure of Thailand's development, these researchers have overlooked the economic impact of rural development projects that improve people's daily lives at the village level
disparages overlooked mistakenly
认真阅读全文,可以感受到作者对于在经济课本上H教授的教条/观点是非常的嗤之以鼻的。。(即count城市GDP的时候没有把非技术类发展的成果给算进去就是因为H带来的观点普遍认为非技术发展不是真的发展) 非常多的yet以及最后real加了冒号都说明作者对这种观点的不满。。还有强调这种观点带来的坏处blablabla
但仔细想想的确是在criticized... 也没有讲true reason.. 只有这个了。有时候还是要看情绪关键词做题。
这怎么就是assumption了.... 不是project和研究么
文章一开始提出一些研究者认为泰国的经济增长是由于现代技术的发展导致的,后来作者又指出农村的发展对经济的贡献很大。第二段最后批评了这种将技术-非技术割裂的观点导致了忽视农村发展的贡献和误导了因为农村项目的领导人或传统的观念基础导致的这种农村进步反而拖累了经济进步。 (就因为是传统观念所以就阻碍进步了?这也太像文革时期的破四旧了吧~~~跟传统沾上边就不能叫“新”---内心鄙视一下)