Normally, the pineal gland governs a person's sleepwake cycle by secreting melatonin in response to the daily cycle of light and darkness as detected by the eye. Nonetheless, many people who are totally blind due to lesions in the visual cortex of the brain easily maintain a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle. So the neural pathway by which the pineal gland receives information from the eye probably does not pass through the visual cortex.
For purposes of evaluating the argument it would be most useful to establish which of the following?
Whether melatonin supplements help people who have difficulty maintaining a 24-hour sleep cycle to establish such a pattern
Whether the melatonin levels of most totally blind people who successfully maintain a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle change in response to changes in exposure to light and darkness
Whether melatonin is the only substance secreted by the pineal gland
Whether most people who do not have a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle nevertheless have a cycle of consistent duration
Whether there are any people with normal vision whose melatonin levels respond abnormally to periods of light and darkness
P1:掌握着睡眠圈的某个腺体分泌M —— 回应着眼睛察觉到的光线变化。
P2:盲人也可以有好的睡眠圈(难道这里不是已经暗示了 : 盲人可以分泌M了吗) ,说明 眼睛察觉到的光线信息不是通过VC传过去的
此时B答案:测验盲人的M变不变化。 还有必要测吗?P2已经说了盲人已经有好的睡眠圈了就是暗示了M分泌正常, B选项难道不是对前提的无意义复述吗。
E答案:视力正常(VC正常)的人是否可以正常分泌M ——取非,要是不可以,即使VC途径完好 但是也没办法正常分泌M, 不就更说明了结论:光线信息不是通过VC传导的吗?
我觉得这道题不是在讨论能不能分泌褪黑素呀,人人都能分泌褪黑素这个前提是不能去质疑的啊,我们只是在这个前提下讨论:对于正常人来说,褪黑素的水平会随着光线的明暗变化而变化,以此来保证一个正常的作息,但是盲人他们看不见(也就说明他们不能感受明暗变化)但依然能保持正常作息,于是得出推理:pineal gland接收信息的路径不是通过视觉皮层。那么B不就搭建了一个桥梁:如果盲人的褪黑素依然能够按照正常的作息规律而变化,说明不用感光就能保持规律作息啊;完美评估了这个逻辑
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