Digging in sediments in northern China, evidence has been gathered by scientists suggesting that complex life-forms emerged much earlier than they had previously thought.
evidence has been gathered by scientists suggesting that complex life-forms emerged much earlier than they had
evidence gathered by scientists suggests a much earlier emergence of complex life-forms than had been
scientists have gathered evidence suggesting that complex life-forms emerged much earlier than
scientists have gathered evidence that suggests a much earlier emergence of complex life-forms than that which was
scientists have gathered evidence which suggests a much earlier emergence of complex life-forms than that
题目的开头是一个现在分词短语(Digging in sediments in northern China),句首出现的现在分词短语肯定是伴随状语。
B选项:Digging的主语错误同(A);本选项中suggest的宾语是一个名词短语(a much earlier emergence of complex life-forms),这是不正确的,suggest(表明)身后通常只能跟宾语从句。这点考查了“名词和从句的区别”。用之于本题,即:
evidence gathered by scientists suggests a much earlier emergence of complex life-forms
C选项:Correct. 本选项在逻辑和语法上均是正确的。
D选项:suggest的宾语是一个名词短语(a much earlier emergence of complex life-forms)错误同(B);比较对象不对等。that是代词,指代对象仅能是一个名词,而本题真正对比的应该是两种情况(真实情况vs科学家以前认为的情况)。
(1) ... emerged earlier than previously thought. (2) ... emerged earlier than that which was previously thought.(3) ... emerged earlier than that previously thought.
All three of those are 100% grammatically correct. Option #1 says this idea with the fewest words, and options #2 & #3 say the same thing with more words than needed. Saying anything with more words than needed is always wrong on the GMAT SC.
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One big strike against both (D) and (E) is the use of the noun "emergence" over the verb "emerge". This is an action-word. Making action-words verbs makes a sentence direct and powerful. Making the action-words nouns or adjectives makes things indirect, lily-livered, and wordy, as is the case with both (D) & (E).
The fact that there is no comma following the word "evidence" means that the modifier following it is a vital noun modifier, a.k.a. a restrictive modifier. The GMAT always uses "that" for restrictive/vital modifiers, and always uses "which" for non-restrictive/non-vital modifiers. Thus, the "which" is wrong here: that's one problem with (E).
我觉得从suggest 后面也可以判断。BDE选项 suggest 后面的核心词都是emergence 证据表明的是一个事实,而不是emergence 名词 这样理解可以吗
E选项中的evidence which suggests 是不是错了?
老师,这个是什么意思啊, 限定性不是看which和that吗?
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本题中evidence suggesting 和 evidence that suggests是不是都对 ,ing和从句是相等的?
所以suggest +ing 是形容 evidence?有什么例子是ing动词也用来形容主语吗?
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C选项的suggesting表明 在收集证据的每时每刻都在suggesting... 是不是有点不对?应该是先收集证据才能suggesting
不是。ing短语(这里的suggest学名应该是现在分词短语)不表达“正在进行”,而是和正常的从句差不多(这里是定语从句),可以表达同时发生, 也可以表达之前发生。例如在选项B解释中关键字“名词和从句的区别”中的例句,I remembered telling her中的ing短语telling her就是发生在remember这个动作之前的。
那怎么区分这两种情况?如果都做定语从句,什么情况下表“正在进行“,什么情况下用正常从句?I remembered telling her中ing短语telling her做宾语,是等同于宾语从句that I had told her的。但是在做定语从句时很难区分啊。
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A 逻辑论元,从digging得知,主句主语为科学家;
B 同A;
C ;
D 外延和内涵,在定语从句中,suggest 约束力弱,用动词形态
E 同D;