The general availability of high-quality electronic scanners and color printers for computers has made the counterfeiting of checks much easier. In order to deter such counterfeiting, several banks plan to issue to their corporate customers checks that contain dots too small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currently available; when such checks are scanned and printed, the dots seem to blend together in such a way that the word "VOID" appears on the check.
A questionable assumption of the plan is that
in the territory served by the banks the proportion of counterfeit checks that are made using electronic scanners has remained approximately constant over the past few years
most counterfeiters who use electronic scanners counterfeit checks only for relatively large amounts of money
the smallest dots on the proposed checks cannot be distinguished visually except under strong magnification
most corporations served by these banks will not have to pay more for the new checks than for traditional checks
the size of the smallest dots that generally available electronic scanners are able to reproduce accurately will not decrease significantly in the near future
情景:无论谁收到假币都得哭爹喊娘,所以根除假币刻不容缓。许多银行提出了方案:咱们用先进的技术让假币制造者望尘莫及。结论句为:Several banks plan to issue to their corporate customers checks that contain dots too small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currently available
目标:In order to deter such counterfeiting
方案:Issue to their corporate customers checks that contain dots too small to be accurately duplicated by any electronic scanner currently available
E选项:Correct. 用电子扫描仪能制造的最小的点在未来一小段时间不会显著变小。若用电子扫描仪能制造的最小的点会变小,那么方案就会在短时间变得无法防伪,使其不能达成目标,属于CQ1:方案的可行性问题。
E选项:Correct. 用电子扫描仪能制造的最小的点在未来一小段时间不会显著变小。若用电子扫描仪能制造的最小的点会变小,那么方案就会在短时间变得无法防伪,使其不能达成目标,属于CQ1:方案的可行性问题。
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