A certain mayor has proposed a fee of five dollars per day on private vehicles entering the city, claiming that the fee will alleviate the city's traffic congestion. The mayor reasons that, since the fee will exceed the cost of round-trip bus fare from many nearby points, many people will switch from using their cars to using the bus.
Which of the following statements, if true, provides the best evidence that the mayor's reasoning is flawed?
Projected increases in the price of gasoline will increase the cost of taking a private vehicle into the city.
The cost of parking fees already makes it considerably more expensive for most people to take a private vehicle into the city than to take a bus.
Most of the people currently riding the bus do not own private vehicles.
Many commuters opposing the mayor's plan have indicated that they would rather endure traffic congestion than pay a five-dollar-per day fee.
During the average workday, private vehicles owned and operated by people living within the city account for twenty percent of the city's traffic congestion.
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A和B比较,A没有比较 private vehicle and bus fare 的区别;只说了private vehicle 的费用可能还要增加
独立第三因素,GMAT认为只有一种原因可以导致一个结果,如果可以说明另外的原因是真正导致car entering city 减少,可以证明原文中说的因果关系不存在。
补充:D 中有Many,说明这些多花钱不在乎堵车的人只是一部分,并不是全部,样本不全面。
相关因果,因为收费超过往返公交车钱,所以一定可以控制私家车进入city。用CQ1 干扰因素,所以b说city停车费已经很高了,根本不在乎这点进城费,所以证明即使A存在,B也不一定存在。
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